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TheLianeonProject t1_j2w8m58 wrote

>"It’s a battle of what’s the best thing to watch, read, or listen to"

Youtube thumbnails where every influencer had to spend 25 minutes taking selfies of themselves with furled brows or making gasps would make me think these algorithms aren't really curating the best content.


ArtSchnurple t1_j2whvx0 wrote

Yeah "best" is not the right word here. "Worst" might be more accurate, if anything. Unfortunately, the algorithm determines that things that are dumb, false, and inspire anger get the most engagement and therefore get pushed on people more. Even more unfortunately, bad actors (Russia, most successfully and expertly) have realized they can use that to spread disinformation and get people at each other's throats. It's bad news all around.


fail-deadly- t1_j2x3ql6 wrote

Stickiest content, the stuff you’re most likely to overconsume, ads and all.