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h4t35 t1_j2wjclk wrote

A good buffer front and behind you, may help you and others in an accident. So I think this should stay. Talking about aerodynamics (what actual EV's need), it can come to a drop shape and the frunk goes missing.


julie78787 t1_j2wljy3 wrote

Or it could be the size of the utterly useless storage behind the seats in my Corvette.

I buy luggage so it fits there. Barely.


Lord_Metagross t1_j30acqs wrote

What generation? My c6 has killer storage imo


julie78787 t1_j31pw5q wrote

C3. If I ever replace mine, I'd likely go for a C5 over a C6.

Definitely not a C7 or C4.

If I win the lottery maybe a numbers-matching C2.