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Vucea OP t1_j5nnt1x wrote

Single-molecule protein sequencing

Volume electron microscopy

CRISPR anywhere

High-precision radiocarbon dating

Single-cell metabolomics

In vitro embryo models

James Webb Space Telescope


StatusWillingness215 t1_j5nshse wrote

These are all words you are correct, but what do they mean


night_dick t1_j5qmh3k wrote

Brother. The post is a link to an article with all the answers you’re looking for


i-FF0000dit t1_j5s7m6s wrote

This should not have made me laugh as loud as I did.


BobLoblaw_BirdLaw t1_j5nuklp wrote

Impressed this wasn’t the usual BS list of AI, plant based food, quantum computing, vertical farming and other pop science’s greatest hits.

Granted a couple are pretty standard, crispr and James Webb.


Flashwastaken t1_j5ogbyd wrote

AI absolutely is becoming more prevalent. Maybe not very intelligent AI but AI none the less.


RedditFuelsMyDepress t1_j5omxom wrote

I think they were mainly saying that AI is just one of those things that's already being talked about everywhere. The article highlighted some technologies that are less known.


mr_bedbugs t1_j5rs9xz wrote

It's the new season of pop science’s greatest hits!


Ray_of_Meep t1_j5p20qv wrote

I would argue that while AI is going to be impactful culturally and artistically, the way it's impactful isn't scientifically useful. AI is a glorified summation and average calculator. It takes a bunch of existing data and makes a combination of those elements. It can't synthesize new insights by itself, which is what you need for scientific advancement.


Hostilis_ t1_j5pa968 wrote

Except AI just solved one of the hardest, most important open problems in biology lol. Go look at AlphaFold.


funkyrdaughter t1_j5r1fa1 wrote

So what is important about it? From what I read it predicts how proteins fold. I’m not versed enough to know the impact that has.


Hostilis_ t1_j5r7pvr wrote

The "Central Dogma of Biology" is: DNA makes RNA makes proteins.

How a sequence of DNA is translated into a final protein structure (the folding process) is impossible to predict with traditional computing methods. It's important, because everything about how a protein functions is essentially determined by its shape. This has been an open problem in biology for decades, since the discovery of DNA. Given that all life is built from proteins, this is a massive gap in our understanding of life and medicine.

AlphaFold was able to predict the folded structure of proteins to within experimental accuracy for the first time in history, and DeepMind recently released a catalog of their predictions for ALL human proteins for free last year.

Understanding how proteins fold will help us develop vaccines faster, treat all kinds of diseases involving proteins, predict birth defects from DNA sequences, build nano-sized delivery vessels for fighting cancer, etc. The sky is really the limit.

tl;dr, protein folding is a big deal


funkyrdaughter t1_j5r97a7 wrote

How were we able to know how they folded before? If it was something like a microscope couldn’t we have already just observed most proteins already. I’m assuming it’s big thing is making recipes for proteins in shapes that we desire?


Hostilis_ t1_j5r9xml wrote

It required extremely costly, elaborate experiments. The problem is that proteins are generally too small to see with a microscope. In order to get the structure, you essentially had to create a crystal of the purified protein of interest (which is not always possible or practical), and then shoot x-rays at the crystal to create a diffraction pattern. Then you could use software to reconstruct the structure of the protein.

And yes that's exactly right. Now that it's possible to predict the structure nearly instantly, you can now create recipes for custom proteins that can have whatever properties you want.


funkyrdaughter t1_j5rc0bv wrote

Oh ok that’s pretty cool. So we basically just gained a bunch of information we didn’t have before and save on resources time and labor. I didn’t realize it was so hard to see proteins. Since they are so hard to see how do we know we have all the human proteins. Are they just brute force scanning things in the human body?


Hostilis_ t1_j5rc8na wrote

They're all (ostensibly) encoded by our genome


funkyrdaughter t1_j5rd0he wrote

Oh so basically looking at dna we can see all the possible proteins that we have the ability to create? I wasn’t sure if they did some like Lego stuff and some proteins naturally conjoined to other to form even more proteins but then I guess with the technology you still be able to figure out possible combinations based on their shapes. I’m surprised this isn’t talked about more. Does this mean we would also be able to create proteins that could get rid of the stuff our body doesn’t naturally break down? I read an article on the immortal jellyfish. If they had their genome sequenced couldn’t they see all the proteins and make a conjecture based on shape to see which ones are responsible for the “reverse aging”


Hostilis_ t1_j5re6re wrote

As far as I understand, immune system proteins can have these "Lego brick" type combinations, but they're the exception. Most proteins are directly encoded by the DNA.

And yeah it's absolutely possible that we could engineer proteins to get rid of toxic stuff in our bodies. Solving aging is a bit more difficult because it involves how lots of proteins and genes interact with each other, but even then AI (deep neural networks) could probably help a ton.


funkyrdaughter t1_j5rfesq wrote

From the dna perspective is aging just telomeres and methylation?


Hostilis_ t1_j5rmgkc wrote

Those are two big pieces to aging, but not the whole picture. I'm not an expert, but I think oxidation and accumulation of damage to proteins and DNA are also very important and will be much more difficult to handle.


Stirdaddy t1_j5t3nkp wrote

It used to literally take months or even years to figure out how a single protein folds. AlphaFold can do it in minutes. It's a big deal because now researchers can test 1000s of proteins (instead of one or two) to solve many or most problems of disease and biology.


BobLoblaw_BirdLaw t1_j5pohgi wrote

That’s what the internet is. A summification and consolidation of knowledge and communication yet it had huge impact


Semifreak t1_j5phgoz wrote

I thought the source would be behind a pay wall, but I was pleasantly surprised it wasn't.

The carbon dating going from a window of a couple of decades to a precise year is nuts!

Everything in the list is, really. The fake 8 day old embryo is insane. I don't even know how they begin to do that.

I always like Webb news. But only space dust was mentioned. I wonder if there is a list of missions/targets for Webb that I can see. I looked but didn't find anything. I was hoping for a schedule or something like that to see what Webb will look at in the coming months and years. Results will still take a long while to be confirmed and published, but I'm just excited about it.

Awesome things all around to look forward to not only for this years but for years to come.

Humans are awesome.


cccamy t1_j5orczp wrote

Artificial Stupidity and sub sampling to rank rate interpolation are curiously missed


[deleted] t1_j5pxkdm wrote

Oh I was hoping someone had started actually investing in improving the quality of life for once; bummer.


Anakin_BlueWalker3 t1_j5sfp9i wrote

I was today years old when I learned that advancements in our understanding of physics, computers and biology don't translate into improved quality of life.


[deleted] t1_j5u2cad wrote

Congrats, maybe spend less time on the internet so you too can arrive at your own conclusions by living in the world rather than be spoonfed what to believe online from people advertising their financial interests :*


Anakin_BlueWalker3 t1_j5u3083 wrote

>maybe spend less time on the internet

Upvoted for ironic comment


[deleted] t1_j5u37ad wrote

So what do you think about everything else I’ve said little bot?


[deleted] t1_j5u3gh0 wrote

Maybe you think if they shoved all the homeless drug addicted population on a spaceship and sent them to mars that would give them a better quality of life? Cuz science right?
