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AFEngineer t1_j6kn6gm wrote

Reply to comment by SantoshiEspada in Private UBI by SantoshiEspada

No response?

You just shit on people and spew your opinion without any debate? Why even start the conversation?


SantoshiEspada OP t1_j6knqn6 wrote

I actually answer more comments than any of the other OP you're gonna see today in reddit. have a great day


AFEngineer t1_j6kr0w7 wrote

That may be true, but I wanted to debate too haha

you too


SantoshiEspada OP t1_j6kscc9 wrote

Ok let's do this.

Let's say we have this future where AI + robotics are everywhere. Supply lines are fully automated, Harvesting, distribution, stockpiling, everything fully automated.
Those jobs that have been lost will have to be replaced somehow. My fear is that technology pace is super fast and the replacement jobs won't come so fast or be created at that pace, that's a problem.
It could lead to post labor, maybe the good scenario if the commoner have a safety net, if not, the bad one.


AFEngineer t1_j6oai79 wrote

I totally agree. However, what you are describing, I think, is an unavoidable consequence of development. The "best" (what is best depends on morals, ethics, politics, religion, etc. and is subjective) we can do is have a safety net to soften the blow, which we already have. I think determining the fair level the safety net provided is a much larger debate which gets into the political side of economics, ethics, etc.

During the industrial revolution, the automation of the loom created the Luddites. During the 20th century, factory automation created the Rust Belt.

Gentrification is another example of how development kind of screws people unavoidably, but there really is nobody to blame.


SantoshiEspada OP t1_j6kt06i wrote

Also, I'm not communist but seems like in here is being used as an insult or as a way of auto dismiss someone.

It's just a different way of thinking than yours.


AFEngineer t1_j6o70rq wrote

Right on, I didn't mean it as an insult, or a compliment. I like to discuss with people who think differently to challenge my views and learn.