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apprehensivelights t1_j306a9j wrote

This is a psychological reaction from the upper middle class who are reliant on all sorts of societal structures that they simply couldn't imagine existence without, and imagine only a super human of some kind could do these things. It is really no different than the king looking down on his peasants and assuming they must have some kind of super human abilities to withstand such a miserable life. Things like abolishing private property, money, police are totally outside the realm of imagination. How would society exist without churches or slave masters? I can't even imagine a world without Starbucks.


T732 t1_j30p4eo wrote

I’ve had 6 different notifications from Ring in the pass 16 minutes of people asking when their power is gonna turn on. I live in a Suburban area and nothing is remotely “rural”. Having lived in the East Coast, dealing with hurricanes, no power/running water, all while being snowed in, the rains and wind rn in the Bay Area is nothing compared to what was considered “normal” in the east coast. People out here can’t go 30mins without complaining on having no power. Idk what would happen if Wi-Fi was down for 4 days (longest ive been without power) It blows my mind.


ToddBradley t1_j308igk wrote

I expect us all to transform into fetuses living inside an obelisk near Jupiter.


408jay t1_j30ci12 wrote

Society will collapse and we as a species will lose both technology and intelligence, reverting to a much smaller body with a much smaller (and cheaper to support in terms of required nutrients) brain. Something occupying a semi arboreal niche somewhere between squirrels and raccoons.


Fuzzycolombo t1_j30kjr4 wrote

We would have to evolve to a different diet for something like this to occur. I’d imagine it take generations for the shrinking and morphing of the brain to occur.

On the flip side, humans may actually be happy for once, not having so much damn intellect to overthink and create existential despair at their own mortality, social standing, wealth, genetics, etc…


Frequent_Example_167 t1_j30pwvc wrote

I’m a big fan of Nietzsche, and I do get what you’re asking. You should really avoid using that term.


Arcologycrab t1_j30htw1 wrote

Kidney pipe that isn’t literally a spaghetti strand, seriously, TF is up with kidney stones

Oh and make baby heads smaller and have them grow when they reach the five year milestone, so we don’t have all those deaths in childbirth


kafka_nova t1_j30a1va wrote

In any case, the Ubermensch will not be descended from Germans or US citizens. Jokes aside, there are three main events that will permanently change the earth. Climate change, genetic engineering and bionic engineering. With the latter I also mean the mixture of technical and genetic research. Humans will inevitably have to modify themselves to face the coming catastrophes, food shortages, drinking water shortages, pandemics and increasing infertility. That means the Ubermensch will become a technical-genetically modified Urmensch with low instincts and strongly hierarchized if not even fascistoids - dictatorial society structures fight over the last edible rat. Because we fucked it up.


BstintheWst t1_j30id8a wrote

A constellation of attributes and relations existing across a distributed network. Capable of embodying a discrete form or to exist as a noumenon. Let's call it noumen. A ghost in a machine.


Willing-Cookie-7202 t1_j30szcc wrote

Half human half machine ... probably very Socratic..."modest genuis" like ASTRO Boy


DryEyes4096 t1_j30vtvg wrote

Lets go with the idea that the ubermensch will appear.

Nietzsche said that if you were to meet an ubermensch you would not recognize them and think that they were a Devil. If they exist in society now, do you think that they're going to act like some big titanic Greek statue with a halo of genius emanating from shining white eyes with evil amoral hordes crushing everything in their path to ultimate power?

No, they're going to make fun of humans to themselves, and gain power by catering to all of the weaknesses that humans adore. All of the human neuroses, fear of death, hatred of life, celebration of'll come pouring out of their mouths like a river to those around them. The ubermenschen in human society will disguise themselves as mere humans to avoid being destroyed by those who fear them, and may even be content in this role, as it is indeed a decent challenge to not be killed by groups of humans when they perceive something more powerful than themselves.

Clark Kent is Superman's comment on humanity, not who he truly is.


Gunningham t1_j32iryg wrote

That Clark Kent reference. Was that Kevin Smith or was it Tarantino?


DryEyes4096 t1_j32jv2g wrote

It was in a picture in some guy's signature I saw like 17 years ago on a forum. I didn't know what it was from originally but it stuck in my mind. Apparently its Tarantino.


Tina_Belmont t1_j30duzl wrote

The übermench?

Is already here.

Two words:

Programmer Socks


ricardo9505 t1_j308he9 wrote

Happening already. Lower sperm count in men. Traditional marriage dying, religious order, which kept the poor in check so the rich don't get eaten so the middle class is always the key to a healthy democracy. An educated citizenry as well, Jefferson. I'm more worried about the next pandemic. I was worried before and it only made me realize how true it was. I was an avid reader of Bill Gates articles with Obama during the Obama years and the epidemics. Which is why I thought Trump was an even bigger fool for scrapping the pandemic plans and funding Obama left in place. He knew it was inevitable-the next pandemic. When I was a child my great grandmother told me stories of the old Spanish Flu outbreak. You thought things were bad now, they had limited supplies and no insurance back then.


kafka_nova t1_j30bay0 wrote

If you really believe the lack of traditional marriages and religious order is responsible for the downfall of mankind, your words are responsible for the downfall of mankind. We simply have no sense of responsibility. We come, take and go, like a parasite preying on and poisoning the body that feeds us. No God or traditional marriage can change this, and churches have made it worse by making us fight not only for resources but also for our imagination. No church in the world has ever wanted to protect or not establish an order that does not only give them power. There is no such thing as altruism in any institution and there was not before capitalism. Yeah and we fucked this planet up the ass and now we get the payback. We can only hope it will be quick.(Oh and if behind your "traditional marriage" argument there is homophobia or LGBTQ+ hostility, your argument is nilled and you should think before you write)

Edit: Less rudeness.


astropastrogirl t1_j30f70q wrote

Let alone the weather , my home burned in a rainforest in Australia , then we got a flood ( normal ) then another and another , and now the coldest summer ever , probably to be followed by bushfires in Autumn ,