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For_All_Humanity t1_j6eysqp wrote

It’s super exciting to see all the advances in battery technology we’ve made over the past 20 years. Heck, the last 5 years have been incredible. LI is great like you said, but the mining can have harmful effects on local ecosystems and communities. So if we can spread out what batteries we use and advance in multiple directions there can only be benefits.

Like you said, the potential to save a lot of money here is going to be driving a lot of development. Plus spreading out what materials we use for utility-scale storage and personal usage we can help ensure we avoid shortages.


jadeskye7 t1_j6fsxs5 wrote

Sodium for static storage could be huge. Cheap easily produced storage for renewables, releasing that lithium for other purposes and providing a way to capture more solar and wind? It's a win in so many ways.


LordOfDorkness42 t1_j6grknu wrote

Really hope the air-iron batteries starting production next year work out in practice for that reason.

A way to turn the decay of the most common metal in the universe into power? Yes, please!


Specific_Main3824 t1_j6hsj7j wrote

Advances in the laboratory, nothing has changed in the real world, still the same battery in your iPhone that was in your later Nokia


PorkyPigDid911 OP t1_j6hw6z4 wrote

> still the same battery in your iPhone that was in your later Nokia

Not really. It's 1/10th the cost and with a whole lot more electricity per volume


Specific_Main3824 t1_j6i23t9 wrote

My Nokia had a lithium ion same battery, no doubt a little more expensive back then, though phones were cheap


sakredfire t1_j6jag2p wrote

The classic Nokia phone used a 25g battery with 1100mAh of capacity. It would fully charge within 3 hours.

The iPhone 14 uses a battery with 3200mah of capacity that fully charged within 2 hours


Spiffydude98 t1_j6jjudp wrote

1998 ish... My wife lost her Nokia phone. In the middle of a canadian winter. She found it at the side of our driveway in the spring it must have fallen and been shovelled with the snow.

It spent 3 months in a snowbank in a Canadian Winter with temps reaching -25c and rarely above -5c...

and she picked it up, turned it on, it still had a charge and worked fine.

I miss our NOkia phones.


sakredfire t1_j6jujwt wrote

You can still get them! And they weren’t overly complicated so of course they are robust


Specific_Main3824 t1_j6l6hf1 wrote

Nokia made a million models, I'm referring to "later" models shortly before the iPhone. Circa 2005. We are still using the same batteries released 20 years ago. Size has no bearing on the tech. Watches have teeny tiny ones, Tesla's have very large ones.


Specific_Main3824 t1_j6l6pv4 wrote

I wasn't referring to a "classic Nokia" I was referring to a later models shortly before I phones were invented.


Spiffydude98 t1_j6jjf65 wrote

They're also for two very different uses. FLow batteries = great use for grid storage and peak demand/low demand grid smoothing.

Lithium = best option for your phone currently.