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Bridgebrain t1_j6fnhbx wrote

I saw an interesting bit about Iron Air batteries recently, apparently they figured out how to de-rust the iron sufficiently, making them rechargeable


sammnz t1_j6fsp83 wrote

I looked up this type of battery, they are very slow to recharge. If anything they would supplement/complement existing battery/power solutions.


markfickett t1_j6gb0qo wrote

Right, iron-air are designed for multi day grid storage. For example, when it's cloudy for a week, these batteries discharge previous excess solar back into the grid. More about Form Energy's batteries if that's what you were thinking of.


Bridgebrain t1_j6hcitd wrote

Yep, but that's the exact stuff we need. We've got a few awesome options for cars and devices coming up. With graphene finally leaving the lab, salt batteries coming ever closer, and a few solid state options on the horizon, the problem always comes down to "scalability", and these provide a high scale focused solution


MechaZombie23 t1_j6gcpc8 wrote

Came here to post the same thing. I believe what I read is they would be most useful for utility power and not so much for small-scale such as electric vehicles etc.