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MisterDecember t1_j390jl5 wrote

Ah - they will ingest the vaccine that is mixed in with royal jelly. Make a lot more sense than what I was visualizing with a line of bees waiting for their tiny jabs.


JDubNutz t1_j3ab8id wrote

Well well well how the turn tables


hair_brained_scheme t1_j3am7xn wrote

Man, y’all got me on this one. I get that we use this phrase a lot here on Reddit, but this was a really good use of it. If I had gold I would give it to you.


Oni_Imports t1_j3b5g89 wrote

Something about that execution, 99% of the time someone says that I think “this is kind of a dumb meme, I don’t even remember why we say this” but damn it just feels right here.


295DVRKSS t1_j3av8s4 wrote

Imagine if they had tiny bee epipens


Oni_Imports t1_j3b5nxc wrote

My very first thought was imagining oversized cartoon syringes with teeny tiny needles and each bee getting like 1/1,000,000 of the syringe by a line a nurses that have unreal fine motor skills.


ConnieTheLinguist t1_j3amweg wrote

So, all we need to do is mix covid vaccines into sugary breakfast cereal and we’ve got most of the US population covered, right?