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KamikazeArchon t1_j3b8xwj wrote

Dreaming has biological purposes; replacing that with memory playback is likely to be anywhere from problematic to catastrophic for health.

At best it might be possible to "seed" dream subjects in a general sense and then let the brain do its thing.


pimpy543 t1_j3bcf9l wrote

Interesting; I’ve always wondered why we dream.


superluminary t1_j3bj9ny wrote

People go insane if you stop them from dreaming. It’s likely something to do with information storage and categorisation.


charleswj t1_j3bjf7x wrote

Is it necessarily the dreaming or the phase of sleep they're being deprived of?


The_Red_Grin_Grumble t1_j3c8hja wrote

The phase of sleep where you dream is REM. Depriving of one is essentially depriving of both.


Hxbib t1_j3c3zh1 wrote

i’ve had some nights where i don’t think i dreamt and they were so weird. like one second i’m awake, one second passes, reality is paused, and the next second i’m upright in my bed at whatever time again.


like9000ninjas t1_j3cbd9t wrote

I dont dream from smoking pot before bed. Not insane.... yet?


superluminary t1_j3d42go wrote

Everyone dreams, you've just usually forgotten by morning. If someone woke you during REM sleep you'd remember. The pot is probably just making you less likely to wake.


Wardine t1_j3b3tc2 wrote

The first part is definitely possible, the second part, probably not


lysergic101 t1_j3b67ez wrote

Some playback happens on a dose of dmt, although you don't necessarily get to choose the memories on play.


charleswj t1_j3bjm9z wrote

I clicked this to let you know you just recreated a Black Mirror episode...and then I see the second paragraph :)


JayEOh0788 t1_j3b4b91 wrote

I would imagine the process it would take to record a dream would be near impossible (with current technology) I mean it's not your eyes that are seeing the dreams really that's pretty much projection right from the brain..when you are in a dream state you're going through R.E.M. phase of the sleep cycle. Which stands for Rapid Eye Movement.. so literally you're eyes are darting from side to side very quickly so in that moment the eyes are not actually functioning in any way that you might think of logically at least..


NxPat t1_j3bnaiw wrote

I remember reading a report from I think it was UCLA about how they could actually search for memories in the brain and display them on a computer screen. They had a subject watch Peter Sellers in The Pink Panther and while not 100% clear, you could definitely make out the scene, background and identify Peter Sellers. This research was 20+ years ago. I’d imagine it’s been refined by now.


BeemoHeez t1_j3bpz7e wrote

This is like black mirror season one episode three. Ends with them ripping it out and going off the grid


ExecTankard t1_j3d1jyo wrote

Wasn’t that the point of the show? If he didn’t have that tech he would have had to pay attention that his wife was cheating instead of confirming through playback.


BeemoHeez t1_j3ero5w wrote

I think it was a couple of things, one of my biggest takeaways was just that they were never present in life and weren’t able to connect with anyone on a genuine level. Then he does find her cheating I believe. Been a couple years since I watched that show


hibearmate t1_j3c1zm3 wrote

The ability to forget heavily underated

People with true photographic recall have trouble forgiving friends and family because they remember ever petty thing ever said between the two of them

they can’t forget abuse

Also, the privacy and law enforcement implications are deeply disturbing


Foolyz t1_j3cg630 wrote

>The ability to forget heavily underated

The grass is always greener on the other side. My SDAM brain certainly does not go brrrr, but you are correct in that forgetting things is as natural to me as is breathing. Partner and I have an argument? No worries, I'll forget what we fought about by the next morning.


lurkyvonthrowaway t1_j3cufku wrote

Watch Strange Days directed by Kathryn Bigelow and starting Ralph Fiennes and Angela Bassett


ExecTankard t1_j3d1t3l wrote

A good underrated movie. Playback was clunky but they got the point across.


NamorDotMe t1_j3b8ytx wrote

um wait, Do people not pick their dreams before they sleep ? I thought this was normal, or even if you don't pick a dream, but wake up during it, then choose to go back to sleep to continue the dream.


Chaosfox_Firemaker t1_j3c9lbd wrote

You could also just wear a go-pro everywhere, and all people will do is give you some funny looks. seeding dreams is its own kettle of fish, but there is very little difference save unobtrusiveness for a camera vs a camera in your eye for recording your entire life.


3xoticP3nguin t1_j3cf8yu wrote

I wouldn't want this kind of stuff saved I feel like it could be used legally against you


wutangjan t1_j3cjw4g wrote

Dreams don't happen in your eyeballs, they happen in your brain. So set up a fancy camcorder eyeball in my skull and you won't see anything but the inside of my eyelids. That's because the projection of the dream happens inside your brain.


ipadminihalf t1_j3cr26i wrote

Not sure what the text that was removed from the original post, but the bionic eye remembering anything is the main story of a black mirror episode. It is a curse more than anything. Imagine being able to go through everything that happened in your life and look into the details of things you didn’t see the first time.


SecretPressure9813 t1_j3csk52 wrote

Until the End of the World. Great movie. Not exactly congruent but similar.


Shelfrock77 t1_j3bbj47 wrote

“By 2030 you’ll own nothing and be happy” by lucid dreaming in the metaverse. Mark Zuckerberg has said twice now that in 5-15 years, we will have virtual reality with all five senses and “humanity will leave themselves behind”, we will be immortal by wirelessly transferring our consciousness via swarms of nano bots that sync synapses and neurons so that way we can translate the data and send it on over to the data center to where you will have “ a backup” unit just like how you can break your phone and still recover data in the cloud. We really do have the capabilities to bluetooth our consciousness just like how we switch from “reality” to “dream like state”. One thing is for certain, we will be “sleeping” in the future more and we will love it.


wadejohn t1_j3bzxq0 wrote

Imagine being awake is like being asleep now and being asleep is when we’re ‘truly alive’.