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GukkiSpace t1_j3ch8ij wrote


SuggestionSuperb1443 t1_j3ci5ln wrote

Someone with more money than me, duh


GukkiSpace t1_j3cjn36 wrote

“It’s really important we do this, but in a way my lifestyle doesn’t have to change-it needs to be improved!”


SuggestionSuperb1443 t1_j3cjukp wrote

My "lifestyle" affords me one meal a day plus housing. I don't think my demographic is being unreasonable


GukkiSpace t1_j3ckitj wrote

Ah, but you still can afford a meal. I’m saying if we average the whole planet out, my bet is most people would fall into a tax bracket that would nullify the basic income. Your case in particular, idk.


expo1001 t1_j3cmb6h wrote

So your premise is that all those people alive today, surviving under unequal distribution of resources, will on average have less than they need if we equalize distribution?

With 95%+ of wealth currently sequestered by less than 1% of people?

Your math is wrong.


FinalJuggernaut_ t1_j3cnlzp wrote


Can you math?


TricksterWolf t1_j3ct89n wrote

once again: pretending to laugh is a big mistake here, especially when the rest of your comment fails to provide anything meaningful to the discussion--and in this case, doesn't even make sense as the burn that you seem to think you're delivering


FinalJuggernaut_ t1_j3czvc5 wrote

I'm not pretending - I'm laughing.

But the question is serious, because if they can not math, they could not possibly understand why they are wrong.


TricksterWolf t1_j3csupu wrote

"Ah, but you can still afford one, though very unlikely to be nutritious, meal per day! Checkmate, socialism!"