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skraddleboop OP t1_j3eh87o wrote

Submission statement:

According to a study published in Nature, an international teamof researchers has identified a mechanism that allows cancer cells tospread throughout the body. They found that cancer cells move fasterwhen they are surrounded by thicker fluids, a change that occurs whenlymph drainage is disrupted by a primary tumor.

These findings provide a potential new target for stopping metastasis, which is responsible for 90% of cancer deaths.“Thisis really the first time that the viscosity of the extracellular fluidhas been looked at in detail,” says John D. Lewis, professor and BirdDogs Chair in Translational Oncology at the University of Alberta’sFaculty of Medicine & Dentistry. “Now that we know that fluidviscosity signals cancer cells to move in a specific way, we canpotentially use drugs to basically short-circuit that signaling pathwayand encourage cancer cells to slow down, or even maybe to stop.


joeg26reddit t1_j3hlyjk wrote

Cancer just sitting in one spot and not growing isn’t cancer anymore. It’s more like an annoying tattoo


MEMENARDO_DANK_VINCI t1_j3iu3r6 wrote

It’s still cancer, local invasion, crowding, and excretion of products are still going to be harmful


DLancy t1_j3ja2ej wrote

Comparatively it’s miraculous were we to get just 20% of some cancers to remain chronic. Novel treatments for isolated cancerous cells without metastatic movement would become a new focus. What a great future that would be.


MEMENARDO_DANK_VINCI t1_j3jangu wrote

Absolutely, most extremely deadly cancers are only that way because of the veracity of the mets