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CrypticResponseMan1 t1_j3j34dd wrote

I must be an AI, because I don’t lose my patience with people unless they lose theirs. It’s about respect, really


rixtil41 t1_j3khg68 wrote

which is good but it would be better to not rely on your patience as it's not unlimited.


CrypticResponseMan1 t1_j3ksczn wrote

Mine is, for people who have self-control. I tolerate the tolerant but I am intolerant of the intolerant, as it should be.


rixtil41 t1_j3mb0xo wrote

AI should tolerate the intolerant if it has no consciousness.


JeremiahBoogle t1_j3ku82q wrote

Some people are naturally more patient than others. Genetic, upbringing, I don't know, but there are differences, I don't think you can say its just respect.


bunnnythor t1_j3kwnjy wrote

That’s because we know that no matter how exhausting remaining patient and unruffled can be at times, it pales in comparison to the utter enervation that occurs after turning yourself and everyone around you into a drama llama, followed by attempting to mitigate all the knock-on consequences that come in the wake. A brouhaha like that can knock you into total weariness for a month.