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izumi3682 OP t1_j3oyocz wrote

Well, my point is that we are going to remove mental illness and psychiatric disorders from the world. Consider those who are born deaf. Or those who are born with Down's Syndrome. We are also going to remove pretty much any kind of pathological or congenital condition from the human race. And in less than 20 years, if that, to boot.

So there are those, and they are significant percentage, of people who are congenitally deaf or have Down's Syndrome that believe that they are perfectly happy and normal people. That what they experience is not any kind of a defect at all. Here is the problem with that. It doesn't matter. Technology will come into existence, that will eliminate such pathology from the human race. Whether these communities want to accept such treatment is on them.

I saw something that made me almost laugh out loud in a "you've got to be kidding me!", laugh. There is this movie, it's called "The Immortals" "Eternals" I think. In this movie, Hollywood has overlaid certain kinds of thinking that is popular in US society today. Specifically, diversity and inclusion. I mean I'm all on board with that. But there was one character that just made me laugh out loud. It was an "immortal" "Eternal" who apparently came into existence deaf/mute. Really? An immortal realized deaf/mute? I think we've jumped the shark here.

No sir, here is what is actually coming down the pike. And super soon to boot.

Also one of the points that I was trying to make in my submission statement is that the AI is going to transcend all of human creativity. It's already begun. Wait until the first AI made movies are produced within minutes from a prompt by a human. Or an AI produced "alt-rock" song is produced in seconds by a prompt from a human. People just tell the machine what they want, and the machine delivers it. Whither human artists?


izumi3682 OP t1_j69cjaj wrote

I am downvoted, but with no comment. What did I write here that you don't agree with?