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Taron221 t1_j3qs71d wrote

>if this is something that works by injecting again (not saying it is), then it's exactly what pharma companies want, life extension by subscription.

If we aren't aging, then that just means they'll have to listen to us complain about the subscription over and over and over and over again. We'd have all the time in the world, lol.


WaitformeBumblebee t1_j3r1fx1 wrote

Didn't you read the terms of service? Any complaint may result in immediate cancellation without recourse.


Taron221 t1_j3r3edr wrote

Hmm, then every century we’ll draw straws or take new batches of world weary volunteers whose sole responsibility it will be to find new and creative ways to bully the Pharma CEOs. We’ll wear ‘em down eventually… That or we could just incessantly annoy politicians until it works, lol.