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Z8S9 t1_j5ih2ho wrote

We are the Borg, you will be assimilated. Lower your shields and surrender your ships. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Resistance is futile.


crua9 OP t1_j5id7ur wrote

This is more than less my view on what future life could be like with nanobots. It should be noted that while the ideas are mine, and it was a struggle. Many of the words in this was written by several AI. Basically I was using them to create a logical flow.

Anyways, part 1 is a good summary of the rest of the post.


Nanotechnology is a rapidly evolving field with the potential to revolutionize medicine in the future. One of the most promising applications of nanotechnology is the use of nanobots in medicine. Nanobots are microscopic robots that can be programmed to perform specialized activities such as disease diagnosis and treatment. They can be used to diagnose and treat a wide range of conditions, including mental illnesses such as depression and anxiety, as well as physical injuries and illnesses.

One of the most interesting potential applications of nanobots in medicine is the treatment of mental illnesses. Mental illnesses are among the most common and devastating diseases of our time. They can be programmed to constantly map the brain and correct faults as they develop. Alzheimer's disease may theoretically be treated if a person was implanted with nanobots at birth.

Nanobots also have the potential to transform the treatment of physical injuries and illnesses. They can be designed to heal and even replace damaged cells and organs if necessary. Nanobots could be utilized to replace a damaged heart or liver, or to heal a shattered bone, for example. They could also be utilized to replace and upgrade all body components.

Another possible medical application for nanobots is the boosting of healthy cells and organs. They can be programmed to improve the operation of healthy cells and organs, making them more powerful, efficient, and resilient. They could potentially render plastic surgery obsolete by gradually changing traits that people dislike.

Nanobots have the potential to revolutionize medicine in the future, offering new possibilities for the diagnosis and treatment of mental illnesses and physical injuries. They can also improve the performance of healthy cells and organs and render plastic surgery obsolete.



I also get into other things like how nanobots could be used with education, jobs, and so on.

Please note the site has a TTS. So you could have it read you the post in the background.


Cool_Avocado2155 t1_j5ikgoi wrote

This is the first Reddit comment I’ve seen using (admittedly) AI to help formulate the response. Really interesting.

What inspired you to use AI for this? Are you using it often for this sort of application? Any others?

Hope my questions are alright. Thanks!


crua9 OP t1_j5ilz7y wrote

>What inspired you to use AI for this?

The biggest reason why I used it was for a mix of flow and to make things more readable.


>Are you using it often for this sort of application? Any others?

What happen was the other day due to a family member passing away one of my ideas about nanobots being used to cure mental illness and problems in the brain. I was thinking about it, and it matured to basically what you're able to read in the link.


The other day I posted in a few places where I seen nanobots going, and many took it the wrong way. Like they hyper focused on curing mental illness and tried to link it to eugenics. To my guess it was the internet being the internet.

Anyways, I wanted to put the idea out in a better way to help inspire some to look into this and expand on it. Where nanobots could fix many of our problems. So I decided to use AI writers to help with the flow, logic, filling in spots, and so on.


Like one of the problems I have is I can tell you on a high level how giving things work like web 3 for example. But when I dumb it down or generalize things it becomes extremely hard to follow.

So to answer your question, it honestly depends how often I make a long and detail post. Like in the future I think 99.999% of users will heavily use AI writers to help get their idea across. But for the here and now, I'm not sure.


Cool_Avocado2155 t1_j5im3pw wrote

Hey thanks so much for answering. My condolences to you and yours for your loss and for people being generally shitty. I appreciate your response and wish you all the best!


thundercod5 t1_j5jq2qy wrote

Maybe we can fill our bodies with nanobots so they can capture all the micro microplastic we all have in us.


FuturologyBot t1_j5ife4a wrote

The following submission statement was provided by /u/crua9:

This is more than less my view on what future life could be like with nanobots. It should be noted that while the ideas are mine, and it was a struggle. Many of the words in this was written by several AI. Basically I was using them to create a logical flow.

Anyways, part 1 is a good summary of the rest of the post.


Nanotechnology is a rapidly evolving field with the potential to revolutionize medicine in the future. One of the most promising applications of nanotechnology is the use of nanobots in medicine. Nanobots are microscopic robots that can be programmed to perform specialized activities such as disease diagnosis and treatment. They can be used to diagnose and treat a wide range of conditions, including mental illnesses such as depression and anxiety, as well as physical injuries and illnesses.

One of the most interesting potential applications of nanobots in medicine is the treatment of mental illnesses. Mental illnesses are among the most common and devastating diseases of our time. They can be programmed to constantly map the brain and correct faults as they develop. Alzheimer's disease may theoretically be treated if a person was implanted with nanobots at birth.

Nanobots also have the potential to transform the treatment of physical injuries and illnesses. They can be designed to heal and even replace damaged cells and organs if necessary. Nanobots could be utilized to replace a damaged heart or liver, or to heal a shattered bone, for example. They could also be utilized to replace and upgrade all body components.

Another possible medical application for nanobots is the boosting of healthy cells and organs. They can be programmed to improve the operation of healthy cells and organs, making them more powerful, efficient, and resilient. They could potentially render plastic surgery obsolete by gradually changing traits that people dislike.

Nanobots have the potential to revolutionize medicine in the future, offering new possibilities for the diagnosis and treatment of mental illnesses and physical injuries. They can also improve the performance of healthy cells and organs and render plastic surgery obsolete.



I also get into other things like how nanobots could be used with education, jobs, and so on.

Please note the site has a TTS. So you could have it read you the post in the background.

Please reply to OP's comment here:


Clear-Permission-165 t1_j5kfnq5 wrote

Good read. Although I can see it being weaponized in most of the ways it is depicted to have a more positive change. It’s unfortunate that our civilization puts profits first and with the intention of keeping g the great divide between the elite/1% and all the rest. Not to be dystopian, but just based on how we are handling global warming, the future with this is concerning at the least. I would argue that, before this tech goes any further, it may be more important to develop certain standards, laws, etc. and forming 3-4 international groups that would oversee and be mostly responsible for the security and protocols. This would kinda be similar to the birth of the internet in many ways, but hopefully we can implement what we have learned from that.


West-Negotiation-716 t1_j5lp479 wrote

Treat "mental illness" with physical technology?

This assumes without evidence that "mental illness" is a physical thing.


crua9 OP t1_j5lswf3 wrote

Your brain is physical. Like even if it was ptsd due to some memory. It could be possible to physically block or permanently erase that. Maybe even modify the memory.


West-Negotiation-716 t1_j5lu8ah wrote

Your mind is not physical


crua9 OP t1_j5luamn wrote

Your mind is where?


West-Negotiation-716 t1_j5lwfea wrote

No one knows.
There is no science based evidence that the mind is something created by the brain, but I could be wrong perhaps you know of specific experiments that I do not.

There are lots of observations that indicate that consciousness exists outside of our physical bodies.

Countless experiments and observations clearly show that humans are able to obtain information from locations outside of our five senses.

The military refers to this as remote viewing, it is a very real phenomenon which you yourself can quickly confirm by trying it yourself.

The fact that you are able to perceive things outside of the your five senses indicates that the mind is not confined to the brain.

I don't expect you to believe me until you have done it yourself, so I encourage you to set up a blind target and try it yourself.

Just so you know I'm not just making this up or crazy:

Mainstream media is slowly beginning to accept it

This article from Columbia University provides many specific experiments that confirm the above as well.

If anyone is interested in this and wants to really dive deep here are 18,000+ CIA documents about remote viewing.


crua9 OP t1_j5nfp7g wrote

I know what you're talking about. And you are right there is unknowns. But here is what we know.

  1. Based on actual events (people messing up their brain with a fall, nail gun, or doctors cutting on the brain) you can forget things, act different, and even talk differently.
  2. There has been cases where people hit there head (like dive in a pool that was too shallow) and while they lost a lot of abilities. With 0 training prior, they were a master of things like a piano.

You are talking about "you". Or more so the soul. But I'm talking about your hardware. Like we don't know enough and maybe it might make this impossible.

But lets assume I'm right and you could do most of this. Then in theory you could cure mental illnesses, change modern education to be more social and creative skills, and so on.


apophis-pegasus t1_j5pyp1a wrote

Of course its physical. What else would it be?


West-Negotiation-716 t1_j5qr432 wrote

There is no science based evidence that it is physical.

The mind is not physical.

I could be wrong, maybe you have some science based evidence that indicates otherwise.

I personally believe that humans are non physical entities that currently inhabit a body.

Observations that support this claim include the fact that all humans are able to perceive information from outside of our 5 senses.

The military calls this ability remote viewing, and everyone is able to do this.

This includes YOU, try it.

here are 18,000+++ declassified CIA documents about it

here is a video from an ex military remote viewer explaining.


Also a "biased" wikipedia page about it.

I don't expect you to believe me until you do it yourself, so I encourage you to set up a blind target and try it.


apophis-pegasus t1_j5qrwo5 wrote

> The mind is not physical. > > I could be wrong, maybe you have some science based evidence that indicates otherwise.

Altering the brain, through trauma or otherwise can cause drastic changes in personality, behaviour mood etc. All things we associate with the mind