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KamikazeArchon t1_j5upyfp wrote

As usual "art" is an overloaded term here.

Some people who pay for "art" want to acquire "images that look good". Other people who pay for "art" want to acquire "stuff that carries a meaningful message". (With some overlap, as usual).

The "market" for the latter will be largely unaffected. The "market" for the former definitely will be (and already is).

I've found discussions & arguments about "AI art" to be heavily muddled by the conflation of different definitions and meanings.


Chad_Abraxas t1_j5v3dk0 wrote

Yes, that's the thing. The word can mean different things.

I agree with you that the market for the latter will be mostly unaffected, while the market for the former is in trouble.

The solution, from an artist's perspective, is to stop being mediocre and start making stuff that has actual meaning--stuff that aspires to do something beyond fill a hole in the market for interchangeable, nice-looking or temporarily distracting widgets.


GenoHuman t1_j5v8tgn wrote

Artists will be completely irrelevant, mark my words, the era of human made content is coming to an end.


Chad_Abraxas t1_j5vcy1o wrote

Mark the words of u/GenoHuman on reddit, everybody! The prophet has spoken.


GenoHuman t1_j5vd5hi wrote

You laugh now but wait a couple of years and see for yourself. AI is God 😉


Chad_Abraxas t1_j5vfwe5 wrote

I agree that AI is God. I disagree that God would negate the need for humans making art that speaks to other humans.


GenoHuman t1_j5vg3zq wrote

AI is going to create all experiences for us in the future, why would you ever want to interact with a human when AI can already mimic perfect humans just for you? They talk the way you like, act the way you like and sound the way you like too!


Chad_Abraxas t1_j5vg9eh wrote

You might prefer to interact with AI, but you don't speak for every human.

And no, they don't mimic humans perfectly already. They're also pretty fucking stupid right now, too. I'm an author and for fun I asked it about my own books/career. Every single answer it came up with was wrong. It can't even Google at this point.

I'm sure it'll get to the point where it CAN run basic fact-checks on its own answers before it gives them, but it's not there yet.

You seem to think that mimicry of human speech patterns is the same as talking to a human. That says more about you than it says about AI.


[deleted] t1_j5vgffx wrote



MammothPhilosophy192 t1_j5ynddy wrote

As we move further into machine assisted living, pure human achievement will be lauded.

Also art is not only something pretty, art is recorded history through the eyes of men, art is a medium to express something, and when all is done, poems will be written of the downfall of men.


StarNightLynx t1_j5xvld1 wrote

The problem is that them market for the former is the large majority of what pays money.