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caspy7 t1_j5ieffe wrote

Traditional planes can glide some and hit the ground at a more gentle angle and do I recall that helicopters do some slow rotator spin to make landings more survivable?

That was something that came to mind, if these are an improvement on helicopters that'd be great, but if they became known as deathtraps when the engine fails it could tank the tech forthwith.


theBytemeister t1_j5ifvau wrote

Autorotation. If you really want a better understanding of what is happening, read up on autogyros. They are essentially a helicopter in auto-rotation that is pushed around with a propeller.


gerkletoss t1_j5ifcyc wrote

>and do I recall that helicopters do some slow rotator spin to make landings more survivable?

Aurorotation. The airflow through the rotor reverses and the spinning creates a ton of drag.


polar_pilot t1_j5ifmvd wrote

Yeah the more wing you have the better you can glide- more or less. An airliner can glide a LOT better than an f-16. Helicopters can do what’s called an auto-rotation, the airflow over the blades creates lift and spins them- same principle as a gyrocopter- thus slowing descent. A parachute would be the only way this thing makes sense. I imagine it would be installed considering they’re not hard at all to put on a composite frame aircraft