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PhasmaFelis t1_j5txob8 wrote

> The current system already uses a couple of types of machine learning programs. To improve its accuracy, the Stanford team employed software that predicts what word typically comes next in a sentence. “I” is more often followed by “am” than “ham,” even though these words sound similar and could produce similar patterns in someone’s brain.

> But newer “large” language models, like GPT-3, are capable of writing entire essays and answering questions. Connecting these to brain interfaces could enable people using the system to speak even faster, just because the system will be better at guessing what they are trying to say on the basis of partial information.

Man, I'm sure it's better than not being able to talk at all, but using autocorrect on my actual speech sounds kinda creepy. Especially the GPT thing, since GPT can generate not just short phrases but entire essays. Even if it works perfectly 98% of the time, that one time in 50 when your "own voice" decides to say something that didn't come from your brain could be terrifying.


M-Noremac t1_j5u46sf wrote

>Even if it works perfectly 98% of the time, that one time in 50 when your "own voice" decides to say something that didn't come from your brain could be terrifying.

Sounds pretty normal to me.


Zoloft_and_the_RRD t1_j5u9x7r wrote

Right? Even people with intact communication stutter, say the wrong word, say a word wrong, etc.


Mackitycack t1_j5uhuoz wrote

Ya, my thoughts around this was more so the random weird shit ill most certainly type out loud. It's a struggle to keep my mind in check as it is with mindfulness, meds and meditation... though, I (mostly) filter with my speech, so perhaps it'd work similarly


TheChance t1_j5u5jty wrote

After years hanging out in LGBT forums correcting my spellchecker, my phone decided I always mean to spell ‘dike’ the other way. Fortunately, at some point I managed to get it to correct to the tamer ‘duke,’ but that’s still wildly incorrect, and it’s not a word I use often enough to remember ahead of pressing send.

Also, I think this one’s about over, but if you’ve got a significant other or an ex named Andrew or Andrea, there were a few years where it was really dicey typing “and,” which is one of those words you just fly over.

All of this is leaving aside homophones where you got it right and the phone enwrongified you.

It’s a good thing for New Orleans they’ve got all those slur Andrew levies!


iProcrastinate-Air t1_j5u8jr2 wrote

google predictive typing allows you to scrub autocorrected learned words by way of tap and hold on the word when it comes up above the keyboard. there should be something similar for iOS too - give it a try


TheChance t1_j5uj2n2 wrote

Well, shit, now I can’t trigger dike/duke, must be too recent. Thanks for the tip, now I just need to wait for a conversation about flood protection to crop up


Great-And-twinkieful t1_j5ufsb6 wrote

Most of these don't just send they write it out then you confirm. Even current ALS bleach systems have spell check and basic predictive functions. You won't find it terrifying you will find it a relief that can speed up your talking. What you will find terrifying is how hard it is to talk.

ALS is a horrifying and typing with your eyes is slow and makes it hard to socialize at all. Predictive sleach even if it speaks before you are ready you can correct it. If it means being able to hold a somewhat normal conversation would be a life changing breakthrough.


GeoSol t1_j5uyv11 wrote

Especially when you tie those failing to cognitive decline and dementia!


duffmanhb t1_j5whxsn wrote

I heard a lecture from a big tech CEO (who I wont mention because Reddit hates him and don't want to derail), who believes the future is going to have GPT-style fine tuned models for individuals eventually. To the point that others will simply be able to engage with your AI clone to get 80% of the answers they'd need from you directly, massively increasing productivity. Instead of having to take your time, they can just talk to your AI clone to get guidance or answers. He also believes there will often just be AI to AI conversations, where you can set the topic of conversation and have the two AI's make decisions... Again, with the belief that the AI will be so advanced, the overwhelming majority of times, it'll be incredibly an accurate reflection of real life.

He also theorized that future dating apps will be like this, sort of like that Black Mirror episode. Where we'd have our AI clones just interact with EVERYONE on the app, and then the app would determine who we best get along with, optimizing our matching ability.


ktElwood t1_j5xu0p4 wrote

Combine that with BD Human like robots and the need to have poor people is gone.

Sterilize them through food and medications (Stargate)

Kill them with a deadly virus (Rainbox Six)
