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Johnmik5400 t1_j6a8csj wrote

Wrong, this isnt an answer in the developed wotld, let alone here. This is a way of keeping people down and under control. Nobody gives a tinkers damn about letting these nations, full of corruption bc of the Wests meddling and the IMF not allowing Africans to run their own destinys. I grow so tired of liberals telling who, what, how. The US grid cant handle elect battery trans. and they KNOW IT. You can't displace 1 million btus of energy from gssoline and diesel replaced with batteries? Its a pipe- nightmare Liberals cant do math or economics. Just add up all personal transport , and the btus required. The renewables arent even close. I dont want to hear the arguements. They are ridiculous. CO2, CO2, CO2, CO2, CO2,C O FRICKIN' 2!! Its a gas!!. Its apart of living processes. It rises and falls! Over eons, millenia, centuries. Ice cores prove the OPPOSITE of the so called Al Gore " BOILING OCEANS!!!", spittal included. He spews this shit, then hops on ONE OF HIS JETS. The GORE'S entire fortune came from????.........OCCIDENTAL PETROLEUM. While you take a cold shower, he will be in his big fat hot tub with his whores!! People like me are sick of this shit and we are not taking it anymore. These psychotics will NOT RUN MY LIFE. I say, if u want to live with 1 square of T paper lime Sheryl Crowe, fine, dont ask me to. When I see Diaper Joe, Al, Nancy, AOC, ET. AL. riding bikes to and from their meetings and rowing, Sailing across the ocean, then I might be convinced. Hydrogen & all hydrocarbon fuel cells can be an answer to much greater efficiencies, but thats not the goal. The goal is keeping me in the walls, 15 min limit to my travel. CONTROL, WAKE UP, ITS CONTROL OF MY AND YOUR SOULS! This is EVIL. Tesla will be like the Netscape browser was 25 yrs ago. Old, tired. Elon will sell it. It has raked in billions in govt mobey from incentives. Its a boutique toy for the rich at best. A real H2 tech is out and is hardly noticed. Everyone is worried about WHERE hydrogen comes from, but they dobt worry about the poor, children mining lithium in Africa with sticks in mud and being poisoned. Europe wants Biodiesel. It comes from palm oil, cut down native forests to grow. Mon crop kills the soil, exploits workers, yet, libs , rich in the West say, Oh, Im Enviromental. Just cut the enviro, and you get what they REALLY AREgifgif