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Futurology-ModTeam t1_j6frp6q wrote

Hi, PO0tyTng. Thanks for contributing. However, your submission was removed from /r/Futurology.

> > I am so sick of hearing about this chat bot on futurology. I joined this sub because it was a great source of articles about physics, technology, etc… seems like the past few months it has been spammed by either ChatGPT reddit bots, or fearbois, who know nothing about what supervised learning means. > > ChatGPT will not replace anybody, except maybe call center reps. Not programmers, not management, not human bodies doing manual labor, etc.. so chill out people. > > Anyone know what a Gartner hype cycle is? > > Wake me up if ChatGPT ever gets trained enough to be genuinely funny. That is the ultimate Turing test.

> Rule 11 - Titles should accurately and truthfully represent the content of the submission.

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