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swaggercatr t1_j6fk6jn wrote

I am an AI model, I am not programmed to generate sarcasm that is offensive or rude. Creating content that is disrespectful or hurtful is not in line with my programming or the values of OpenAI.

So it won’t be funny some people looking for because it’s not PROGRAMMED that way.

Ask dad jokes and make peace with it.


Astranoth t1_j6fk8uy wrote

Thank you for your service. I am so sick of this too, hopefully the kids will grow up and get dictate themselves on the topic before claiming skynet is here


TheCriticalAmerican t1_j6fkxi7 wrote

> ChatGPT will not replace anybody, except maybe call center reps. Not programmers, not management, not human bodies doing manual labor, etc.. so chill out people.

The computer won’t replace anybody, except maybe a few mathematicians. Not (human) computers, not human bodies doing manual labor, etc… so chill out people.

But seriously, you lack imagination. To me, futurology is about imagining the future and what could be possible. Why not have idealistic hopes for humanity and shoot for the stars?

If you wanna just learn about physics and technology, then go to /r/technology and /r/physics


Substantial_Space478 t1_j6fmc25 wrote

yeah it seems like a lot of people with shower thoughts about AI are the main focus of this sub now. it's more like a sub for bad sci-fi fan fiction than a sub on futurology. too bad, used to be a place for interesting discussions about technology and future developments by people who actually researched anything they posted about


leet_lurker t1_j6fmue9 wrote

My wife's school colleagues and her are all using it to write their lesson plans this year, doesn't track well for music or drama but English, math, science type subjects it seems to fly through.

They can't see that they're showing how to replace themselves, they are also so overworked that if it helps them get through the work load without compromising quality then I'm all for it. Won't be long and they'll be using it for marking drafts


GuidotheGreater t1_j6fpqso wrote

I agree it is overhyped but I think it has more use cases than blockchain.

I find it repeats itself a lot and the writing is overly formulaic.


Futurology-ModTeam t1_j6frp6q wrote

Hi, PO0tyTng. Thanks for contributing. However, your submission was removed from /r/Futurology.

> > I am so sick of hearing about this chat bot on futurology. I joined this sub because it was a great source of articles about physics, technology, etc… seems like the past few months it has been spammed by either ChatGPT reddit bots, or fearbois, who know nothing about what supervised learning means. > > ChatGPT will not replace anybody, except maybe call center reps. Not programmers, not management, not human bodies doing manual labor, etc.. so chill out people. > > Anyone know what a Gartner hype cycle is? > > Wake me up if ChatGPT ever gets trained enough to be genuinely funny. That is the ultimate Turing test.

> Rule 11 - Titles should accurately and truthfully represent the content of the submission.

Refer to the subreddit rules, the transparency wiki, or the domain blacklist for more information.

[Message the Mods]( regarding the removal of this submission by /u/PO0tyTng&message=I have a question regarding the removal of this submission if you feel this was in error.


googajub t1_j6fs02r wrote

It just wrote my job self-evaluation so we will see.


TheCriticalAmerican t1_j6fs11z wrote

>My idea of shooting for the stars does not involve fear-mongering over the latest bot that passes a tech illiterate person’s Turing test

Yeah, your version of shooting for the stars is getting an AI to make you laugh. Don't know, don't care. Just sayin' that ChatGPT is the way we're all heading, whether you like it or not. With every new technology, people are nervous, afraid, anxious. At the extreme, you have the luddites.

This isn't anything new, and trying to tell people that they shouldn't feel that way about new technology is foolish. Basically, your entire post is pointless and not sure what you hoped to accomplish other than a cathartic release of annoyance and frustration.


Imaginary_Passage431 t1_j6fsaw7 wrote

I liked your post. It was needed. It was what many people weren’t able to say.


PO0tyTng OP t1_j6fwp0o wrote

I’m the opposite of a Luddite. I understand how it works. And I’m telling you, this is at the peak of the hype cycle.

Don’t get me wrong AI is changing out world. But as a person who creates training data for AI, I can tell you that people on this sub (or bots) are giving it undue attention. It’s nothing groundbreaking. It’s just marketed well and anyone who buys into the fear mongering is gonna get got. It’s just funny to see, is all.


TheCriticalAmerican t1_j6fx55u wrote

>It’s nothing groundbreaking.

I mean, in some ways it is. I'll impact my profession and work in a positive way. As an IB Teacher I can ask it to write business case studies for me. This was an extremely time-consuming task. ChatGPT will improve the quality of education that I provide.

>It’s just marketed well and anyone who buys into the fear mongering is gonna get got.

Then point out better alternatives rather than complaining about the technology as a whole.