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aurialLoop t1_j5949cz wrote

People should be cautious of any answer it gives you where you don't already know the correct answer.

Where is it really useful? When you're asking it to perform either of the following:

1 Perform tasks that don't require knowledge of facts. E.g.

"Reword this email so that it is clearer"

"Reduce the length of this speech while still making the main points"

"Use the above strategic company goals and suggest ways my team who performs the following tasks can help realise those goals"

"Take the following ideas and write a poem that conveys their juxtapositions"


2 Perform tasks that you could do (and already have the required knowledge to evaluate yourself), but don't have time to do. E.g.

(As a computer programmer who knows how to read code): "write me a c# class that keeps track of objects in an environment"

"Write the scaffold of a business case for an automatic potato mashing machine"

"Suggest some game mechanics for a multiplayer card game where you have to work together to destroy an asteroid on the way to earth"