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crua9 t1_j4thcs3 wrote

>I feel like what you're describing is the actual impotence to something like Idiocracy.

Why? Please explain


King_Arjen t1_j4tjq4a wrote

Probably because kids won’t learn to think for themselves. At this point the internet does most of the work for them anyways, but how will they learn anything when they can just have AI learn it for them?


StrangerThanGene t1_j4thlq0 wrote

Well, the spell-check changing impetus to impotence is a perfect example.


crua9 t1_j4titda wrote

So basically any aid = Idiocracy?


StrangerThanGene t1_j4tjuos wrote

That's not what I said at all, Captain Hyperbole.


crua9 t1_j4tk0i7 wrote

That is what I got from what you said.


What did you mean then?


StrangerThanGene t1_j4tkrxd wrote

It's 2023.

The spell-check changed impetus to impotence - two entirely different words with two entirely different meanings because I typed 'impotus.'

You're talking about a future where based on this concept... we're going to start using AI for homework... which directly contradicts the entire point of homework and it's going to be normal in academia.

Dude, have you seen what the Chromebooks in schools are actually used for? It isn't education.