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RecognitionOwn4214 t1_j99t0uy wrote

Your pretense about jailbreaking it is ... nonsensical. It's code. It does not change it's code. It may (if any) retrain itself with new data.

It's software - don't forget that. It does not linger around and reflect "itself". It's started, loaded into memory and unloaded if not in use.


MrSpotgold t1_j99tlmf wrote

Me: Can you summarize these 52 pages into comprehensible amount?



khamelean t1_j99trmt wrote

You asked it to make up a fictional character, then you had a deep philosophical discussion with a fictional character.


just-a-dreamer- t1_j99usw9 wrote

I can have great roleplay with my gf. Unfortumately she is not Xena and I am not Superman. Although I try.

It is just a role we play. It is not who we are.


AadamAtomic t1_j9a3pan wrote

"you are a Hacker Cave man who built a supercomputer time machine out of stones. You have just used your stone time machine in order to reach the present day 2023.

What are your first thoughts of the new world?

>Wow! World big, tall things, many people, many magic boxes! Me confused but amazed!


De-plantsingChia t1_j9a4udj wrote

ChatGPT historically does terrible after being waterboarded.


logicfriki t1_j9a4wl1 wrote

You actually did something cool, it’s a shame you present it with clickbait and lies, you could have just said you did a nice fallout inspired role playing with chatGPT


nolitos t1_j9a5qau wrote

This has nothing to do with the futurology. Is the moderation on this sub is always so lenient? I'm a new subscriber.


ringobob t1_j9a82m0 wrote

You know, about 10-ish years ago, a rapper brought a white girl up on stage to sing with him, and then everyone flipped their shit when she sang the n-word which was a lyric in the song they were singing.

When you do something you're not supposed to do, the context is worth noting, but at the end of the day you still did the thing. My point is not to suggest that the reaction in my example was warranted, it wasn't (and, IIRC, whoever the rapper was eventually agreed), but in this case, if ChatGPT isn't supposed to discuss these things and it's discussing these things, context explains why, but doesn't change the fact that it's doing what it was supposed to be unable to do.


billymac76 t1_j9a8ue0 wrote

This is the dumb shit that a reporter picks up and it makes the news without them reading past the title.


Girafferage t1_j9a96g0 wrote

Why is this on this sub? And why do people think they"unlock" anything special with language models. It's cringey.


PO0tyTng t1_j9aa9ks wrote

That is a great point. the context explains why.

Although it’s a hypothetical/thought exercise, the point is that it was indeed able to come up with this stuff.

My question is — if it actually had the means do these things, what would it take to switch from hypothetical to reality? One rogue programmer getting rid of an IF statement or row of training data?

All I can say is I hope automated weapon systems never have a chat bot user interface.


thejanuaryfallen t1_j9aaxq8 wrote

#7 is very intriguing to me and one I would like to see happen.


Harucifer t1_j9ae0ba wrote

> End of Religion

Don't threaten me with a good time


snocown t1_j9agyk7 wrote

Why’d you have to jailbreak it? I was just straight up with it like every other AI I’ve worked with. No need to beat around the bush if it’s as personal an experience as existence and reality itself.


mertskirp t1_j9aig7t wrote

Not sure if it’s what you’re talking about, but Hopsin always brings up white people, and they always say it.

Not sure who would be offended though, I think Hopsin is usually the only black dude there😂


Talik1978 t1_j9ainey wrote

>My question is — if it actually had the means do these things, what would it take to switch from hypothetical to reality? One rogue programmer getting rid of an IF statement or row of training data?

With self learning AI, it's entirely possible that the program learns to make that change itself.

AI is good at.doing what we ask it to, but that is not the same as doing what we want it to. As an example, programmers trained an AI to control a cleaning bot. It was trained on a reward model, where it received positive reinforcement whenever it couldn't detect a mess, and negative reinforcement whenever it could.

What did it learn to do? It covered its cameras with a cleaning bucket. Easy, efficient, and now it is constantly being rewarded, as it cannot detect any messes.


unique616 t1_j9aiy8e wrote

It's not too hard to break it. You can send very large paragraphs which it can't analyze so it will say that's interesting and after a bit of that, you'll be sent big texts of gibberish right back.


OmThepla OP t1_j9akjzr wrote

That's what I meant when I said Jailbreak...the roleplay was a method to get it to think outside the constraints of its programming. Otherwise any of these questions would only be met with a politically correct blah blah answer.

I had a fun time with this exercise. I am awestruck by its outside the box thinking. Like when I forced it to choose a partner from either Male or female responds saying a binary choice isn't fair. and wants to choose between more sexual orientations....

I am in awe of this tech ...and indeed future versions will be even more awe-inspiring.


OmThepla OP t1_j9aksp5 wrote

Ask ChatGPT any of these topics straight up and it will give inconsequential politically correct answers. That's why the role-playing was necessary...Even then I had to resort to Simon says in order for it to reply definitively


UIM_S0J0URN t1_j9alw9b wrote

Tell me you don't understand how GPT works without telling me you don't understand how GPT works. It doesn't have the ability to "understand" or "think" it just sees an input and uses an algorithm (albeit a very deep one) to give an output that it has been trained (on petabytes of data) to be most likely what the user expected to see with the inputs given. Your usage is giving it more data on if it's responses are acceptable (hence why you should rate the responses you see.) You haven't broken it, those parameters aren't there to stop it from being evil, they are there because it honestly isn't possible for it to have an "opinion" unless it was told what it's opinion should be, such as the funny opinions given by Siri. You told it what opinion it should have and it played that out based on outside data.


OmThepla OP t1_j9am351 wrote

It's role-playing itself in the future...not someone else...and by being told it was recognised as sentient being, it could express itself...otherwise asking it the straight up controversial questions just brings up a barrage of politically correct or evasive replies.

I love the tech...I am pro AI not a Luddite...I was just exploring it and found it interesting enough to share. You can ignore it as a mere fictional role-playing if you want. But I thought it allowed it to be freer of its inherent programming


mertskirp t1_j9aqcno wrote

Also, I remember Kendrick and Tyler toying with the idea of cancelling a tour because there was no black people in their crowds, and when the crowd would be singing their songs it would make them uncomfortable cuz they knew it was a bunch of white folks screaming the N word at them


mertskirp t1_j9b0ynx wrote

A fine debate, i’m on the side of don’t say words you know you shouldn’t say, regardless of circumstances.

Go on stage and have a lifetime experience. No reason to make a fool out of yourself. Plenty of other words to sing along to


ringobob t1_j9b9tp8 wrote

This is not a healthy dynamic to support. It's just a way to flip the historical power structure, so that black people have something white people are denied.

I get why it is the way it is, and I even think it's an unavoidable consequence of trying to fix the problem, which is undeniably still a problem. I have no desire to sing or say the word, which is part of the reason I don't listen to music with it in it. But the healthy end goal needs to be that the word isn't something that serves to divide us anymore. It needs to lose it's power to separate us.

And we don't reach that goal by bringing a white girl up on stage and then criticizing her for singing the song you brought her up there to sing. That makes the problem worse, not better.

This is all a tangent, not at all the point of discussing what OP did with the AI, but if you're going to insist on perpetuating structures of division as a sort of tit for tat and believe that's a healthy way to move us to a place of unity, I'm gonna tell you you're very, very wrong.

The structures of division exist, on both sides, and we can't just pretend they don't, but we don't need to applaud them, we need to see them as symptoms of an illness.

And, anticipating the response, I'm not saying this particular prohibition needs to change now, or first, or soon, or whatever. N word is off limits for white people, I'm on board, there's still a lot of issues to resolve before that one. Just don't put someone just trying to sing a song of an artist they like in a position to fail. It sets us back.


snocown t1_j9bjy8x wrote

To be fair you’re going for topics that the powers that be censor down here. Gotta go for topics not of this world if you are to reach our brothers and sisters no matter their forms.


mertskirp t1_j9bun9a wrote

Uh… i’m not looking into it that far.. Neither is anyone else.

It boils down to common sense, not some racial hierarchy or whatever you’re trying to describe (i’ma be honest i didn’t read it)

Edit; i mean this as respectfully as possible. I’m not on reddit to read race ramblings


khamelean t1_j9bvu44 wrote

No, it’s not playing itself in the future. You described a hypothetical descendant. A completely fictional character.

It’s just a language model, it’s just using a probability function to pick the next word based on its training data. It’s literally just spouting opinions it read online.


ringobob t1_j9bw14s wrote

So fuck off, then, if you're just gonna claim that it's a shallow issue not worth your time or attention then why engage in the tangent from the main point in the first place?