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r2k-in-the-vortex t1_j7brcqn wrote

CBDC-s. It will lead to pretty significant societal change and even faster decrease in cash use. In democratic countries it's a very good thing, better ease of doing business, cost savings, less tax avoidance, more security from scamming, severe reduction in criminal economy etc etc, all the good things. In dictatorships... eh, well people are screwed in those regimes anyway.

Self driving tech - it's going to overturn the entire transport sector which is a huge thing. It's not exactly weak signal, yet people will still be surprised because they keep overlooking an underestimating it.

Satellite mega-constellations the likes of starlink, they are going to evolve beyond the current pricey internet offerings. It's going to be a whole new level of space surveillance and communications, there will be some sat comms on regular smartphones, no more complete out of service anywhere under open sky. SAR components in these constellations will make it possible to real time survey all shipping in the world and more, that will seriously hamper all sorts of sanctioned trade, illegal shipping etc.

AR, there is a lot of development work to be done, but there is a serious potential for AR glasses to become the next smartphone. It's not there yet in technological or economical feasibility, but it's likely that people that today spend their lives with phone near always at hand will in future spend their lives wearing AR glasses. And yes, they will be much less bulky than they are today, with better battery live, better image quality etc etc.

Small cheap drones - evidently they have finally found their killer app, which is war. What can be seen in Ukraine today is as much a revolution in warfare as introduction of tank, gunpowder or trench warfare. Right now they are mostly using appropriated consumer tech, but in time mil tech sector will catch up to experience they are gaining there and the potential there... it'll change how wars are fought big time.

Decline in religiosity. There is a steep age gradient in religiosity in all countries and all cultures. As the older more religious generations die off that will result in significant societal and policy changes worldwide. That trend is only accelerating, woowoo is going the way of the dodo.


fail-deadly- t1_j7c8wgk wrote

>Decline in religiosity. There is a steep age gradient in religiosity in all countries and all cultures. As the older more religious generations die off that will result in significant societal and policy changes worldwide. That trend is only accelerating, woowoo is going the way of the dodo.

Political ideology is quickly replacing it. Many people want to be good, moral people, who belong to something bigger than themselves, and based on their values - which is extremely subjective - making the world a "better" place.