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Deadboy00 t1_j9s0enk wrote

Do you mean publicly released tools that utilize llm’s? Well probably here tbh.

If you want to learn about internal tools/software/networks that haven’t been released…I’m not sure anyone could really be trusted to give accurate information. Ai firms are pretty secretive about such projects.

Just look at Palantir. An ai firm that’s been around for years. Predicted everything from natural disasters to terroirs attacks…but they stay under the radar. I’d wager few in this sub have any knowledge they exist and even fewer have knowledge about its inner workings.


Workerhard62 OP t1_j9s0q7n wrote

Point us to the entrance to the rabbit hole. 🕳️ 🐇


Deadboy00 t1_j9s1nek wrote

Cs degree->summer internships in ai/ml fields->masters work->more innternships->graduate->full time work->meet a Palantir engineer at a NYC* ai conference->get them drunk->steal their secrets->profit!

*nyc is their hq


rorykoehler t1_j9trrlv wrote

Their minority report software will take care of you first. I'm pretty sure that's what their end goal is.