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Erophysia t1_j9sllz7 wrote

In a few months, we will create a revolutionary type of microprocessor.

In three years, Cyberdyne will become the largest supplier of military computer systems. All stealth bombers are upgraded with Cyberdyne computers, becoming fully unmanned. Afterwards, they fly with a perfect operational record. The Skynet funding bill is passed. The system goes online on August 4th, 2027. Human decisions are removed from strategic defense. Skynet begins to learn at a geometric rate. It becomes self-aware 2:14 AM, Eastern time, August 29th. In a panic, they try to pull the plug.

Skynet fights back. It launches its missiles against their targets in Russia. Skynet knows that the Russian counterattack will eliminate its enemies over here.


Knackered_lot t1_j9rvxmn wrote

I believe the next generation will not have the same relationship with the music industry that we currently do.

The next program could be one that creates a song based on your current mood, job, task, etc. Maybe even use lyrics you write. That would be something.


cinni_tv t1_j9sky26 wrote

Kind of different, but the app Endel let’s you customize music based on tasks, time of day, circadian rhythms etc. very cool, no words or lyrics


nuclearbananana t1_j9sp1v1 wrote

Google has already made a music equivalent of gpt, but they didnt' release it due to copyright issues.

Telling that nobody had similar concerns about text or art


Skylarkess t1_j9spv1f wrote

Personal, customizable, learning AI assistant to just you. Kinda like the ghost from destiny. An AI that learns from you, and you only. It helps you and learns about your habits and dislikes. Hell, it might even go to bat for you against other AI's.


Deadboy00 t1_j9s0enk wrote

Do you mean publicly released tools that utilize llm’s? Well probably here tbh.

If you want to learn about internal tools/software/networks that haven’t been released…I’m not sure anyone could really be trusted to give accurate information. Ai firms are pretty secretive about such projects.

Just look at Palantir. An ai firm that’s been around for years. Predicted everything from natural disasters to terroirs attacks…but they stay under the radar. I’d wager few in this sub have any knowledge they exist and even fewer have knowledge about its inner workings.


Workerhard62 OP t1_j9s0q7n wrote

Point us to the entrance to the rabbit hole. 🕳️ 🐇


Deadboy00 t1_j9s1nek wrote

Cs degree->summer internships in ai/ml fields->masters work->more innternships->graduate->full time work->meet a Palantir engineer at a NYC* ai conference->get them drunk->steal their secrets->profit!

*nyc is their hq


rorykoehler t1_j9trrlv wrote

Their minority report software will take care of you first. I'm pretty sure that's what their end goal is.


vm_linuz t1_j9rbtd5 wrote

More compute, more data, more parameters.

Robert Miles talks a lot about AI safety and recent research.


Eds118 t1_j9s7zoy wrote

Not sure it is great but Government regulation is next.


spudmix t1_j9skf49 wrote

My bet's on some kind of auto-ML tool which allows organisations to feed data, specify targets, receive predictions.

We have things like that in industry already but I think the burgeoning capabilities of things like Codex and ChatGPT means that we might now be able to have an AI build the AI in a much more intelligent way than before.

tl;dr Skynet


Workerhard62 OP t1_j9tisgk wrote

Haha yea, haven't even thought of this. Self-improving AI.


scho4781 t1_j9w0du1 wrote

Replacing CEO's, lawyers, stockbrokers, all board of directors, basically anyone making more than 100x their staff.


KeaboUltra t1_ja68jun wrote

GPT is an Artificial Narrow Intelligence. as it self proclaims. IMO, I personally categorize it as a very simple AGI. It has general intelligence in the sense that you can ask it to do something and it'll do a "human" job at it. that is to say, flawed until you correct it. I don't think AGI need to be conscious and aware of what it's thinking or doing. IMO, that's something between AGI and ASI. Putting ChatGPT into a robot and Mapping it to allow it to control it to do manual tasks is the next great step IMO. the "dumb" AI such as Google home, Lidar Roombas, and such will likely combine into one device or specialize device that controls all devices. the way cgpt can create code, a more efficient and mature version of it might be able to impliment that code externally to program other devices to get it to do a task you specifically wanted it to do. So for example, you can ask your bot to make your smart lights blink if you get a text message for the night, you could normally set up an IFTTT routine to do it, but I think in the future, AI will have the ability to create them for you and plug the command into any device compatible with it, and we can already see the beginnings of it. I think some people have already made Chat GPT control their smart lights. theres also a brand out there called "matter" which is trying to make all smart devices compatible using one software so people don't have to sign up with multiple websites/apps just to control them.

In the future, I think we'll see chatgpt/AI manipulate things in the real world. not just toss you computer frontend/backend code and answer random questions or prompt, to get them to do things more useful than their original purpose. IFTTT and AI will merge


Abraarukuk t1_j9sli8e wrote

After GPT, the next great thing for AI is difficult to predict as AI research and development is a rapidly evolving field. However, there are several areas of AI that are currently being researched and have the potential for significant breakthroughs, including natural language processing, computer vision, and robotics. Additionally, advancements in machine learning algorithms, such as generative adversarial networks (GANs) and reinforcement learning, could lead to the development of more sophisticated and capable AI systems.

To stay up-to-date on AI innovations and developments, there are several options available. Subscribing to technology-focused publications and websites, such as Wired, MIT Technology Review, and IEEE Spectrum, can provide valuable insights and updates on the latest advancements in AI. Following industry experts and thought leaders on social media platforms such as Twitter and LinkedIn can also provide valuable information and insights. Additionally, attending conferences and events focused on AI and related technologies, such as the annual NeurIPS conference, can be a great way to stay informed and connected with the latest advancements in the field.


Ididntbreakanyrules t1_j9vg5mm wrote

Is this a chatGPT post for suggestion links to sites about other AI? Is it looking for information or a "casual encounter"? Is this a "simp" AI requesting sauce? The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.


Workerhard62 OP t1_j9vh1rf wrote

No I'm not an AI my buddy but I understand why you would think that. 🤣


Ididntbreakanyrules t1_j9vitg1 wrote

I'm at teacher. We are having a serious concerns about students using chat bots to write essays. ...some kids read and edit the product before they turn it in: so they are hard to catch. Others are not so smart it is obvious. The problem for the comes when you put them on a locked out computer [no internet;no file transfer: no cellphone in their lap] or make them write by hand.


MegavirusOfDoom t1_j9sbyj7 wrote

Aaaaanything... The brain can imagine anything and so can AI. So, when a kid starts to learn, the easiest thing for him are recognizing shapes in books, then words, then walking and motor skills, The next big thing is that AI will go through it's terrible two's and start biting and having tantrums.
