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No-Law3689 t1_j7ap2pc wrote

Yeah. And what is ethics to an AI machine? How would for example ChatGPT deal with abortion? I tried. It refused to give me instructions for abortion, and that I understand as an ethical decision given that it is dangerous if an untrained individual tries to abort a baby using instructions. But then when I asked where I can get help, it provided a standard answer that did not really change when I specified my location. I agree that this is a really complicated issue. We cannot simply accept an AI to decide what is ethical and not based on online content. Democratic institutions have to play a role in how AI sees the world; AI should perhaps not be left on its own to draw whatever conclusions regardless of the will of the people.


HavanaWoody t1_j7cgm58 wrote

I think as a language model this is not really AI. It simply parrots strings of words it associates. It seems to have no mechanism to truth or validate its sources other than by its developers Bias. could be entertaining but only a source of answers for a fool no more reliable than a fancy magic 8-ball.