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smellsmira t1_j9f86xc wrote

Well emotions is both very valuable and detrimental to human decision making. So I guess the answer would be both for AI.


nolitos t1_j9g06j3 wrote

>Well emotions is both very valuable and detrimental to human decision making.

Except that they aren't. Your eyes "see" a lion, send signals to your brain. It sends signals to your adrenal glands, they produce adrenaline - you run. Emotions and even your conscious don't participate in the process. AFAIK, there's no scientific proof that we need emotions to function.

One curious experiment on the decision making:

For all we know, our conscious is simply making up good stories for us:


smellsmira t1_j9g2954 wrote

What you’re proposing is relatively new exploration and not accepted by main stream psychology. Emotions as we understand them now absolutely do affect our decision making. It is interesting though and perhaps the consensus will change.


nolitos t1_j9ga282 wrote

We are not talking about psychology. Psychology studies waves, not the ocean.


smellsmira t1_j9l1wij wrote

Not sure what this comment even means.

Emotions definitely affect decisions. Your example is an instinctual centric one. A better example of emotions affecting decisions would be owning a stock that goes down 50% and then selling out of fear. Or watching the stock market soar and then feeling like you’re mission out you pile your life savings into it.


nolitos t1_j9l3sba wrote

Sure, you can make a choice to ignore scientific evidence and live in an illusion that you're in full control with your consciousness and emotions. I'm sorry, I was mistaken thinking that we could have serious discussion here. My bad.