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ImOnRedditMaaan t1_j9fsr1y wrote

do you get cold based on thinking your cold or the environment around you? is there a conscience connection between the feeling physiologically or just a natural physical reaction that gives the thought behind it. If the brain has to catch up to the physical feeling, if even a millisecond, the physical feeling existed before in this case which provoked the thought. but then what about a thought that provokes a physical feeling, kinda like anxiety. The thought was there but its only experienced because there is a physical feeling associated with it. so what is emotion then? if we look at common emotions we usually without thinking associate a physical aspect to it. Happy/Smile, Sad/Frown. So, the question is what is emotion and is there a physical relationship in its meaning? All things considered my answer is yes. But… but but… what about sensors? Could an AI experience a thought with an interpretation of a physical action? i think so. So in my opinion there has to be more to it than just “Can AI experience emotion?” A computer could not imo but a a computer with specific peripherals that could generate thought and have some sort of reaction physically could happen but AI would have to be very advanced at that point.