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Stealthy_Snow_Elf t1_j9cp5fx wrote

Honestly? MIT, because MIT point-man for a lot of this shit, and they publish a lot in their school newspaper I think. Granted, some of it overlaps and will be in The Crimson (Harvard) because MIT and Harvard have this partnership.

Other than that, I usually just randomly search and read scientific publications about it and such.

Scientific American? I don’t really know. I’m so used to nobody really keeping an eye on this stuff (or any cutting edge stuff in a way that doesnt include useless noise) I just figured out how to look for it on my own a long time ago. Because some people have good stuff, but then they’ll also just post bullshit things, and then others its just all opinions.

Like the science is moving way faster than anybody realizes and so the news for whatever reason makes it sound way slower, less progressive than it is (which is odd given their affinity for misrepresenting random studies).

Tldr: you gotta find it yourself. Nobody has a one stop shop yet.