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pumpkin20222002 t1_j9cx3xb wrote

I mean if certain genes cause over or under production of say seratonin, or even certain proteins, then of course it's genetic. That tends to be where research is headed for lots of psychosis.


EstimateCivil t1_j9cxmr7 wrote

Yeah it's been the leading theory for psychiatric disorders for decades.

And maybe that's true. My friend that lives with me is "genetically depressed" and is completely reliant and dependant on her ssri's, the ssri are prescribed in such a high dose that coming off them is Hella dangerous. think serotonin sickness, seizures migraines etc.

Personally I think he she changed her environment she has an excellent chance at weaning off her SSRis ... If she wants.


pumpkin20222002 t1_j9czdqq wrote

True but we never had the mapped human genome with the ability to edit individual genes until recently. Would i want to test the effects of messing with some genes? No, but of I had a crippling genetic affliction yes, I would. Everything from downs, to alzheimers to MS can start to be at least looked at.


EstimateCivil t1_j9d82qd wrote

Bro China has been using crispr for years. They even have a study released on human students. they saw huge IQ rises after the crispr injection.

I don't think removing the genes or altering them will work 💯 though.

9 heavily suspect that depression is mostly environmental and minimally brain's true that you can have a disorder that prevents correct uptake of serotonin or dopamine. In this case sure let's crispr it out. I still don't think it will "correct" the disorder.


pumpkin20222002 t1_j9dbf9h wrote

Have a link to that study, i could only find this guy

Frankly a virus that could be programed to target a specific gene, is probably where some governments would go, imagine a weapon wiping out only targeted people based on genes


EstimateCivil t1_j9dbpc4 wrote

Nah they won't do that it's possible but why would they?

The human race in in a major decline of birth rates. That is likely the single biggest factor in our species survival.


Complex-Knee6391 t1_j9epmcm wrote

That's the sort of thing that ends in 'oops, we didn't realise 30% of one of our sub-populations shares the same genetic markers as our targets, because humans are sluts that have been travelling and fucking around for millennia'