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4morian5 t1_j9e6pr8 wrote

< No, Amazon would *not* be a better place to shop if it was a "virtual mall" >

That one video of the virtual grocery store is where I really saw through the BS. I was already iffy up to that point, but that was the moment that really drove home how out of touch and ignorant the people designing and pushing this thing were.

Making something more clunky and unintuitive is the very opposite of innovation.


Poly_and_RA t1_j9j3p8p wrote

Yepp. And the other killer features they tend to brag about are similarly dumb and/or already covered by better options.

Hang out with your long distance friends they say.

But here's the thing: I've already been playing games with long-distance friends in virtual worlds for over 2 decades. There's nothing new in this. World of Warcraft came out 20 years ago, and it's been 45 years since the first MUDs came online.

VR plays no role worth mentioning in this. Advertising and wild claims notwithstanding playing WoW in VR isn't more compelling than playing it on a plain old monitor.

Converse with your friends they say.

But for this my main wishes are things like high-quality video and audio with a minimum of lag, stuttering or other quality-issues. And VR doesn't actually help with that in the slightest. No I don't really care whether I can "walk around" my friend that I'm talking to -- but I do care that the audio-quality is good and that the picture doesn't freeze.

It's possible that some killer use for VR will be found at some point. But this far I've seen nothing compelling.