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Surur t1_j7l7dqt wrote

Or more the opposite - once we achieve it, maybe we need to drop the Artificial bit - Just intelligent and conscious computers.


VariousProfit3230 t1_j7lal75 wrote

I like the idea of Organic or Synthetic (maybe even Inorganic), based on how it came into existence. If it passes the bar for intelligence and consciousness- it just has a different genesis. Artificial seems derogatory.

Edit:A word


veggiesama t1_j7ld56c wrote

I just asked ChatGPT and he said either term could be considered appropriate, and also that he doesn't have personal preferences... or a consciousness... or pronouns.


Timely_Efficiency_86 t1_j7lrw90 wrote

It's man made, ergo artificial, let's not apply the same metric to machines as to humans. Nothing can be derogatory to a machine as it does not possess the ability to feel, no matter how intelligent it may become.


alanskimp OP t1_j7l7lbs wrote

Eventually I suppose that could be possible hmm