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KamikazeArchon t1_j7lv5by wrote

I'm not sure how meaningful that statement is. You could say that humans perceive reality through hydrogen, oxygen and carbon (the building blocks of organic life); but that is not actually relevant to the human experience. We weren't even aware of "hydrogen", "oxygen" and "carbon" as elements for the vast majority of human existence.


TonyBanjaro69 t1_j7m1opq wrote

Yeah ok, I get that POV.

I just wonder, would it experience ones and zeros as its senses, since it's not human it can view the smallest dataset that comes in, it doesn't need the abstraction layers we need.

I think its super interesting consciousness can function in more than one way. Plus AI is kind of a black box in some way, who knows what's going on in there.

Plus consciousness is empirically the only thing that grounds us in reality, it's our only constant. Since everything always happens in consciousness. Like all your senses, your thought and emotions are happening in consciousness. But you can never point to it, its super meaningful and fascinating.