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Janus_The_Great t1_ja9iji5 wrote

also we've altrady have had multiple phases of the industrial revolution:

manufacturisation, factorization, electronification, digitalisation, automatisation...

We are still in a mix of digitalisation and automatisation, depending on what place we are talking about, but artificialisation is definetly somewhere in the mix soon.


MrZwink t1_jaa9sep wrote

You could argue that AI is actually part of automation because it is "automated statistics"


Janus_The_Great t1_jaadvj4 wrote

you could also argue that industry (coming from Latin "diligence, activity, zeal") and automation (Greek "self-acting") are synonyms, but that leads to more chaos and thus only complicates things, so best to use them with their primary association they are today defined by.

AI can (and will) lead to further automation of production lines, granted, but so did digitalisation, and they all lead to more industrialisation.


MrZwink t1_jaagay1 wrote

I like to think they're different in the sense that automation is the brain and mechanisation is the muscle. They do compliment eachother. And they are both forms of "industrialisation"