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Miserly_Bastard t1_j8brvrs wrote

You didn't say that some dogs shit on your lawn. You blamed capitalism and economists without qualification.

But capitalism also isn't to an economist what shit is to dogs. Dogs are to biologists what the American variety of capitalism is to economists, one species of many. Parasites found in dog shit that use that shit as a medium to facilitate further spread are to dogs what rent seekers are to American capitalism. Those parasites are worthy of study and are studied by economists. Sometimes passionately and more often dispassionately.

As to it being on your lawn, well that's where the analogy sort of breaks down. The alternative to dogs may be cats or bears or nothing. An economist would probably inquire as to the utility of your yard itself and contrast it with zero lot line housing. Maybe the lawn itself is the dog shit?


real-duncan t1_j8bshlp wrote

I didn’t blame anything.

Reading comprehension is not strong in your family is it?

You’re reading things that are not there and wanting me to defend things that only exist in your head.

You are having a conversation with yourself. You don’t need anyone else involved.

r/shitamericanssay in assuming capitalism is an “American” thing. So embarrassing!