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Sasuke_1738 t1_j8fhk7g wrote

I mean, this tech tho can do so much good it's starting getting bad when people get greedy.


RevolutionaryKnee736 t1_j8fo8n1 wrote

We compete for resources, people can be and are generous, kind and compassionate; but people are greedy, greedy is a survival trait. Expect that everyone is going to be greedy. Study game theory and you learn that it's the competition between the greediest people that drives innovation & innovation is the rising tide that raises all ships.


Sasuke_1738 t1_j8fot76 wrote

That's true, but when greed goes unchecked, people die


RevolutionaryKnee736 t1_j8kjqrh wrote

Give me an example, when did unchecked greed make people die? what were the circumstances?


Sasuke_1738 t1_j8kny4w wrote

Oil companies killing animals and ocean life tho they aren't human, they are still killing life for profit and they get away with it. Other companies in Big Pharma are also responsible for this with humans, especially when it comes to stuff like insulin for the diabetic. It's literally overpriced just so they can make money.

Also, people kill each other while being greedy over things like money all the time. I mean, anywhere you look in America, you're gonna find greed, and often, it's within these bigger corporations that cause the issue. Hence why I think them being greedy is dangerous because it comes at the expanse of the average person.

Also you can look this up, it's very common for people to kill each other over shit lol


RevolutionaryKnee736 t1_j8p8w6z wrote

it happens so often it's something to expect eh... high fructose corn syrup creating obesity, nicotine causing cancer ... the evil is endless, it's a human nature that wont go away. ...What can we do ? outlaw making profit ? ... no, that's a nonsense. We expect the profit motive to run rampant, it's negligent or incompetent governance that's the underlying systemic problem. What we need are tools that can help us organize and manage resources fairly. What kind of tools will be able to resolve the economic complexities of society? ...