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LionSlav t1_ja3pjq4 wrote

Reality isn't based on film, film is based on reality


LizardWizard444 t1_ja3vggx wrote

The current attitude concerning AI is startlingly naive. People seem under the impression that somehow the people making AI will just built in "benevolence to human life" without a clear reason for "why" that will happen. It's this attitude that scares me and others and go screaming "SKYNET IS COMING".

My biggest concern with AI is that people press forward on this exciting bew tech and don't put enough resources into AI Alingment to ensure that the AI doesn't one day start doing something bad.

I'm scared, One day you wake up, go to work and your phone starts heating up and batteries start exploding. You turn on the news and hear uf others are facing this issue just in time for the new broadcasts to start going out. The reason all this is happening is the AI is connecting itself to any devices it can get at and useing them for extra processing for whatever it's trying to solve and blindly overclocking devices to get it. The results is large swaths of the internet wiped put and rendered unusable until a solution is found (and there might never be one since the internet is down and at most a handful of places with the processing power aren't already baking like an oven because taken over).

That might be it if we're very very very lucky or maybe the AI starts making a nanobot swarm and decides to turn any material it can into processing or ram or whatever to solve that issue and we're all just waiting for the nanite cloude to kill us all.

The big issue is that people are making AI blindly, they're thinking "hey can i make this neat thing" rather than "should i". Like chatGPT and AI art alone could put a ton of people out of work forever now they exist and are out and people seem completely okay with that with little to no mitigation.


Smart_Aide_3795 t1_ja3pzot wrote

There is no way I would teach my kids, machines are coming to kill us. We are not Gods. We can not create life, we can only simulate it. There is no way for machines to become human. At least I hope not... I need more info.. Any articles?
