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Trpepper t1_jaa138b wrote

Most people who go to the gym for about an hour 3 times a week. Physically demanding work goes for 8-12 hours 5-6 days a week. If you want to see similar results going to the gym, you basically have to quit your job.


PresentationOk3922 t1_jaaxdyj wrote

I eat like a pig and I’m also a steel worker. I lift stuff I shouldn’t be lifting more then not. My buddy who works in the office goes to the gym 3-5 times a day. I’d prly go to if it wasn’t for marriage and kids. And I look like I’m in better shape. Although he’s more physically active outside on the weekends then I’d care to be. He’s always out playing basketball and biking what not. The weekend is time for me to rest my joints, but we both laugh when we actually go to the gym and I lift more then him. And we’re about the same height and build. That being said I feel like a bag of dog turds compared to him whose way more energetic.