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khamelean t1_ja70v1z wrote

So tired of blockchain propaganda. Every problem that blockchain can solve is better solved by other alternatives.


TPAMeta t1_ja7t8a8 wrote

We are for real, we have a legitimate project going on. Everyone is entitled to an opinion we respect that. Of course we only have a few posts. It's a new account, and our project just launched.


AramaicDesigns t1_ja7xdr4 wrote

Did you mean to sound like advertising copy?

What're you selling?


Phndrummer t1_ja91sw1 wrote

Why would I want to store supply chain information (orders, products, price etc) on a block chain instead of just a database?


DxLaughRiot t1_ja91w2p wrote

Sorry my guy - blockchain is like 3 buzzwords ago, no one’s really excited about it anymore. We do AI and ChatGPT now