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just-a-dreamer- t1_j9bgne2 wrote

I don't see the problem here?

I don't buy a stock in the expectation that it's value will go down. Nor does anyone. Same is true for your home.

People buy homes as investments and the middle class most of all. They WANT prices to go up. That is why they buy homes in the first place.

It is part investment, part piggy bank, part retirement account, part generational wealth. For most people, home is the key bargaining chip in life.

So what do people, especially middle class people do? They create zoning laws and complex building codes. They fuck over those people without homes.

That is part of the capitalist system. To increase valuation, one must create scarcity. Thus new comstruction must be blocked at all cost. It is the middle class that sits on councils and establish zoning laws.

So, crying about the middle class not getting homes while the middle class push up home valuations up makes little sense.

Those without homes must attack the capitalist system to enforce construction on plots of lands they occupy. Nobody is gonna "give" it to them.


Heap_Good_Firewater t1_j9bpyov wrote

>Those without homes must attack the capitalist system

A large number of those without homes are profoundly mentally ill and/or face severe substance addiction. They're probably not in a position to fight anyone.

Letting them fend for themselves is not admirable, or "empowering", it's cruel. They should be involuntarily committed to mental health and addiction intervention programs. Unfortunately, we in the US dismantled our public health infrastructure back in the 1980s (which roughly coincided with the start of the homeless crisis).


Rofel_Wodring t1_j9c2wpv wrote

>Letting them fend for themselves is not admirable, or "empowering", it's cruel. They should be involuntarily committed to mental health and addiction intervention programs. Unfortunately, we in the US dismantled our public health infrastructure back in the 1980s (which roughly coincided with the start of the homeless crisis).

The self-pitying, po-faced uselessness of Enlightenment liberalism, summarized. 'We should be doing this, but we can't, so what can we do? Definitely Reagan's fault, though.'


LanghamP_ t1_j9brl56 wrote

NIMBYism is just nasty but it is indeed the defining feature of the so-called middle (suburban) class. It's really hard to be sympathetic to the majority of the middle class (ie suburbanites) when they get so many government handouts via zoning laws, infrastructure support via urban sales taxes, HOA that stop anything <but> single family detached housing, public transportation to their neighborhoods, and so on.


Roland245s t1_j9e14xj wrote

Some people buy their houses so they don’t get wet when it rains and the valve of the home doesn’t enter into the motivation.