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anon10122333 t1_ja11uj3 wrote

Getting the AI to turn the essay into a podcast would be handy though.

>After a half century or so, everyone will get it through their thick heads that this is stupidly inefficient and just exchange the bullet points.

Naah, bullet point miss out on the language nuances that full text communicates, even in business


ItsAConspiracy t1_ja44alv wrote

Yes, but people in business tend to get a lot of emails, and if most of them resort to text summarization then the nuance is lost anyway. And it's mostly lost if the recipient skims.

Also, many senders of email aren't necessarily great communicators conveying valuable nuance anyway.

Ultimately, it's a cost-benefit calculation: get occasionally-valuable nuance on a bunch of emails, or keep emails simple and do something else that might be more valuable?