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Johnmik5400 t1_j8gyiv4 wrote

Well, conceivably it is possible. The theory concerning ecosystem science , however, is something scientist THINK that they know. Our science is arrogant, self serving, and is belief and agenda driven. The constant lies of climate change is one of the worst ever conceived. If the climate is so terrible; why do the elite like Obama, Gates, et. al, buy grand estates right on the coast? All that flooding! Also, the inaccurate temperature data from roof top equipment, on tarmacs of airports, etc. Now, the self cobtained biosystem would work if the scientists will be honest when a problem arises. There are elements that we haven't even begun to undetstand. Particles from outer space come into our atmosphere. We have no idea what , or if there is an effect on our biosphere. Yes, I am very doubtful about most of our science because of the constant deception.