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Lirdon t1_ja7epok wrote

Yeah, I don’t think there can be an AI with emotions like us. The whole assumption that it might like us and care for us. There are whole pathways in the brain that get stimulated by endocrine systems electrochemically that just don’t doesn’t exist in an electronic system.

I again, don’t think that AI consciousness will be even recognizable for us. We just don’t know how it would look and behave.

It might never develop some more organic tendencies. Why would it ever decide it needs to perpetuate itself, keep itself alive?


superjudgebunny t1_ja7g32n wrote

Im curious as well. I could see sometime down the road, the Star Trek idea. Positronic brain, though with technology we have. I would think more of a quantum brain but that’s so far away it’s laughable. So with what we can do, I’m extremely curious as to what would become.

We assume it will have a motive, why? Our drive is organic, the need to further the species. What does a mind without ANY emotion need or want?

I’m not sure we can even comprehend what the singularity will be like. I feel like we are very close. Often wonder if we will even know when it happens. It’s a confusing idea personally.


UniversalMomentum t1_ja7t8m1 wrote

If we program human emotions into a big dataset and keep crunching the algorithums the result should be something that mimics humans emotions so well you can't tell the difference.

We can argue if it really FEELS or not, but from our perspective it should be able to easily mimic all human behavior convincingly. Humans are not THAT complex, rather we tend to all act very similar, so we won't be that hard to mimic.