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SnooPuppers1978 t1_j9ml09n wrote

What if nationalising it would make it run much worse? Govs are usually not very innovative.


Iwasahipsterbefore t1_j9mm3v1 wrote

And what if unicorns ate rainbows?

See I can do non-sequiters too


SnooPuppers1978 t1_j9mz6en wrote

Usually nationalising something like that wouldn't work because incentives aren't there to innovate and compete for the gov.


Iwasahipsterbefore t1_j9n2uvt wrote

Can you take a moment, read what you wrote, and actually fucking think about it for a second?

We're in this situation because the "incentives to innovate and compete" directly lead to YouTube recommending Isis training videos to people susceptible to wanting to join Isis because THAT MADE YOUTUBE THE MOST MONEY.