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New-Shop-7539 OP t1_jaa66j4 wrote

Who are you to say our species can't overcome these flaws?? We are great and with enough teaching we can conquer our differences and shortcomings to produce a better life for the present and the future generations


LoWkEyPyRaT t1_jaaai9n wrote

Yet history has proven YOU wrong time and time again...don't come at me with "Who are you to say?"... It is the human condition like it or not.


WetnessPensive t1_jaae3w6 wrote

Great point. Humans still legally rape babies and own slaves. Laws do not curb bad human behavior, and we have not used legislation to protect people and criminalize anti-social acts. There has been no human progress over the past few centuries, and enacting more laws, rules and legislation to make the world fairer is not possible, because of human natur- oh wait. I'm an idiot! The "human nature" argument is nonsense!

I'm reminded of an Arthur C. Clarke story, where he pointed out how you can create a fair, just economic and political system with a simple USB drive containing a word document full of societal rules. In his story the USB drive would go from planet to planet, and be codified by people on these planets as their new societal laws. Rules, the story argued, guide how socioeconomic systems behave, and these systems in turn shape people. ie- you want a better world, you get smart people to push smarter laws.


LoWkEyPyRaT t1_jaajxya wrote

That intern creates a caste system...always funny seeing those intellectuals think people always follows rules and laws according to won't ever work. Keep trying tho. Humans are not robots.


New-Shop-7539 OP t1_jaaavi5 wrote

History has. But the people of today has not


LoWkEyPyRaT t1_jaagel2 wrote

And they will...nothing will change that, not you or these hopes you have.