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acutelychronicpanic t1_jaa88mc wrote

The problem with this is that most people think they are wise. I doubt you will find many historical examples of governance where the leaders didn't claim to have the most wisdom and insight.

The fault in this idea is in the actual implementation. How do you find the most competent? How do you ensure that those chosen aren't corrupted by power? What does this system look like in 50 years?

Its equivalent to saying "let's all agree to only do good things for good reasons."


New-Shop-7539 OP t1_jaa9uw9 wrote

I agree with what you are saying.

I think of myself when I say about the governing of stuff. But I am innocent and do not no anything about how to take charge of a scenario like that.

I know humans have the capability to do it though


strvgglecity t1_jaadhxp wrote

Lol so this just went to "I'm obviously talking about myself, the perfect person, being the leader of this utopian society" lolol I love this post now