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New-Shop-7539 OP t1_jaad15v wrote

People smart enough wouldn't want to be enveloped in the shit show that is governing the people?

That makes sense.

I don't feel smart enough to do it but I feel its my life duty to try bring people together. I'd rather work a day job but my mind is set.

All humans only have a short time here on earth and we have the capability to globally work together.

I'm not sure how that would happen but it will.


drzdeano t1_jaafczg wrote

It's not as glorious but I highly highly recommend trying to volunteer or help your local community first , before trying to achieve global peace. If you cannot help those around you , what makes you think you can help those far away, who live in different cultures.

I'll assume you are a young person who has great ambitions and that's fucking awesome we need people like you to change the world.

The problem is we need millions of people like you , in every community around the world.

But you also need to take a bit of a reality check.

Not everyone wants help.

And you are just a single person wanting to take on a task that requires millions, even billions of people to actively work towards.

Start small , in your family even, then see what you can do in your neighbourhood, your community, your city.


New-Shop-7539 OP t1_jaagpp2 wrote

You just brought tears to my eyes.You also hit a good few nails on the head.

Thanks for this comment and you are right