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BoysenberryLanky6112 t1_jab4jbw wrote

Everyone who proposes this thinks the super smart people would believe what they believe, the reality is there's a huge variety of beliefs. Unless you're a genius there's probably someone much smarter than you who believes the earth is flat. Unless you're a genius there's probably someone much smarter than you who is a white supremacist. Unless you're a genius there's probably someone much smarter than you who believes the economy should be a completely free market and there probably a different person much smarter than you who believes the economy should be state-owned and controlled top down. There's probably someone way smarter than you who believes all drugs should be legal and someone else way smarter than you that believes we should ban all drugs, alcohol, caffeine, and added sugar.

Intelligence isn't some linear thing, and even the smartest people are humans and fall prey to biases and flawed thinking. And even if we somehow could find the smartest person or ai with 0 biases, my guess is we wouldn't agree on which variable to optimize. For example how do you balance freedom and security? If we have the parameters to minimize lives lost, my guess is the society would resemble a police state. If we have the parameters to maximize freedom, we likely wouldn't have law enforcement at all. Or in the economic space, the question of whether a doctor should make more than a cashier is not an intelligence question. If you value equality maybe you think that just because a doctor is better at being a doctor, they shouldn't be paid more. But others would likely argue that the doctor does generally contribute more to society, so they should be paid more. But that's not a thing intelligence allows you to solve, it's simply a values question.